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Guys and gals, it's almost here. And we'll be doing a big week of Valentine's Blogs next week so make sure you stay tuned. In the meantime, don't forget to buy or make your sweetie something nice and heartfelt...or just plain sexy. A little thought goes a long way!
In the meanwhile...I feel pretty accomplished this week. My writing buddy and I turned in another Triskelion Interludes story set in our Great Escapes storyverse (yep, I created a new word :D this one means a universe we created just for the story, LOL) Once more, we'll see our two 'ghosts' helping two lonely souls maximize their love potential. How's that for capitalizing on the coming romantic theme? Keep your fingers crossed the editor likes it enough to buy it because, in my humble opinion, it's even better than the first one!
I also feel accomplished because I just figured out how to display both the covers of my books. See it in the sidebar? How cool is that! LOL Yes, little things like that make me feel good :D
And, on my day job, I successfully solved a problem setting up a new workstation for my guys. Well, okay, I did have to call the support staff at one point but that's neither here nor there.
You probably don't care but I've started my countdown to Spring. 42 days! Yes, I know we can still have snow and ice after the equinox. I don't care. Just knowing that the end is in sight is good enough for me. We've been having zero and below zero temperatures here and I'm heartily tired of it. I want to see spring green. I want to ditch the heavy winter coat and gloves and boots. I want to be warm...without turning my thermostat up to 70 (though I'm sure the gas company appreciates that). I want to see my daff's and hyacinth's blooming and be able to go from my house to my car without the mad rush through the dark, frigid morning air. I want Spring!
Oh, and for those of you who live in the U.S and have Daylight Savings Time...did you know it's coming early this year? Yep, instead of the first Sunday in April, it's now scheduled for a Sunday in the middle of March. I think, it's the 18th but don't quote me. The changeover will be later in the Fall too. I'm not fond of this idea but then, I'm not fond of the DST at all anyway. I'd like the politicians to pick one and stop this ridiculous switching back and forth. But then...they don't listen to me anyway.
42 Days to Spring!

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