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Happy New Year!

Good morning and Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your holidays were fantastic. At the Scott household we didn't party too much, just had family and friends over. Of course we all celebrated the sale of my novel Heartstone to Mundania Press as I mentioned earlier (talk about a great Christmas present, hmmm?) But on the downside, I'm having problems with my computer and internet connection. Hopefully I can get those resolved soon but, in the meantime, I can pick up mail from a couple of other locations so if you need to get hold of me, just go ahead and email me at

When I wasn't battling the computer, though, I was having fun being a 'domestic goddess' :D I made rum balls and peanut butter cookies for Santa (and he was lucky to get one -- those cookies were going FAST, lol) Then between the holidays I indulged myself by making a couple loaves of bread from scratch. There is nothing that smells as delicious as freshly baked bread. Yum. I also created a soup, Stuffed Green Pepper soup, based on a soup I had at a local restaurant just before Christmas. That was another yum. And I made a big old pan of lasagna - in DH's words the BEST EVER lasagna. I used whole wheat lasagna noodles which gave it a more healthy aspect (I'm really getting in to the whole wheat pastas) though I'm not sure that was the only reason for its mouthwatering goodness. It could be that I rarely make lasagna because of the quantity and the fact that only the hubs and I are there to eat it. Regardless, it was a definite yum and I froze half of it for future meals, always a good thing.

Normally, we don't do New Year's Resolutions (got tired of breaking them 4 days into the New Year, lol) but I stepped on the scale a few days ago and nearly had cardiac arrest, lol. So guess what we (the hubby and me) will be doing. That's right. We're going to eat less and exercise more to shed this holiday weight.

And for inspiration I ran across this photo and quote from marathoner David Goggins: “When you think you are done… You are only 40% in to what your body is capable of doing. That’s just a limit we put on ourselves.”

I doubt hubs and me will ever participate in a marathon but I love that quote. And, when you think about it, it's good for more than just inspiration to exercise. It's good for that extra push to write or create or do any of the myriad things we're interested in. So for this year, maybe forever, I'm going to adopt this one as a mantra.

So are any of you doing Resolutions this year? Or are you like me and ignoring the whole resolution thing? Whichever you do, I wish you a spectacular New Year filled with love, health and prosperity.

-- Lynda

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