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Guest - Resa Nelson

Good morning everyone! Today's guest, Resa Nelson, has been selling short fiction professionally since 1988. She is a member of SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America) and is a graduate of the Clarion SF Workshop. Based in New England, she splits her time between working as a novelist, journalist, and contract technical writer. Her first novel, The Dragonslayer’s Sword, is currently a Finalist for the EPPIE Award for Best Fantasy Novel. Visit Nelson’s website at or

Now, without further ado, here's our guest, Resa Nelson. Oh, and check below to see how to win an e-copy of Resa's book The Dragonslayer's Sword (it sounds like a fabulous read)


Although I’ve been unlucky in love in real life, every man with whom I’ve had a romantic relationship has influenced my life in a very positive way — even when the relationship turned into a disaster! For example, one of my early jobs was at an organization that paid me so little that I struggled just to pay my basic bills. My boyfriend at the time sat down with me to examine my situation. I’d accepted a professional position where no one knew how to train me, but I’d succeeded in figuring out the details of my job responsibilities by myself. I was in charge of a few floundering programs and turned them around in less than a year.

Before I was hired, these programs had been ill attended and lost money. Under my management, attendance exploded and these programs became profitable. My boyfriend pushed me to ask for a significant increase in pay. He coached me and helped me practice my arguments. I felt confident when I met with my boss but was devastated when I was offered a meager raise one month ahead of schedule instead of a real salary increase.

My boyfriend then encouraged me to give notice and quit, even though there was a recession going on and I had no prospects for getting another job. The idea terrified me. I needed the safety and security of a steady paycheck, and the thought of taking such a big risk made me feel a very real and deep fear. But I pushed past my fear, quit my job, and did temp work until I landed another job. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I learned that no matter what happens, I can always find a way to land on my feet and be OK.

Many years ago, one of my writer friends made an observation that I’ll never forget: your characters can only be as psychologically and emotionally healthy as you are.

If I hadn’t taken my boyfriend’s advice and quit a job where I didn’t feel valued, I probably would have spent decades living in fear and working at jobs where I wasn’t treated well. In other words, I learned how to value myself and to seek out employers who would value me. Facing my fear of being jobless during a recession taught me courage. I learned how to take big risks. And the more risks I took, the more comfortable I felt in my own skin.

That’s a lot of what The Dragonslayer’s Sword is about: rising up to the challenges in your life and feeling comfortable in your own skin. If I hadn’t become more courageous in living my own life, there’s no way I could invent the characters that now populate my novels. Likewise, it’s easier for me to throw big obstacles in front of my characters, because I know I can help my characters figure a way around those obstacles. And it’s no coincidence that the male love interest in each novel tends to have a very positive influence on my main character, regardless of the path their relationship takes.

About “The Dragonslayer’s Sword

For Astrid, a blacksmith who makes swords for dragonslayers, the emergence of a strange gemstone from her body sets in motion a chain of events that threaten to destroy her life. Her happiness is shattered when her lover--the dragonslayer--disappears without a trace, and the life that she knows and loves implodes without warning.

Astrid lives in a world of shapeshifters whose thoughts have the power to change not only themselves but others. Everything Astrid knows to be true is called into question when she learns the truth about her past and the mysterious family from which she was separated as a child.

Reality turns inside out as Astrid gradually learns the truth about the people she loves as well as those she disdains. With the fate of dragons, ghosts, and slaves in foreign lands resting on her shoulders, Astrid faces the challenge of deciding who she is and how she will stand up inside her own skin. Will she withdraw and hide from the world that has disappointed her so much...or will she rise to lead others to freedom and peace?

The Dragonslayer's Sword is available from Mundania at

or on Amazon at

About “Our Lady Of The Absolute

Nelson’s next novel, Our Lady Of The Absolute (scheduled for publication in July 2010), tells the story of a childless woman who risks everything to protect her endangered and pregnant sister-in-law in a modern-day society based on ancient Egypt.

To win an e-copy of The Dragonslayer's Sword, send me an email by Feb 14: with The Dragonslayer's Sword in the subject line. Hope to hear from you!

-- Lynda here.

Wow, Resa, that's a very interesting insight into character creation. I can certainly see what your friend meant but I'd never thought about it before. Thanks for sharing that and helping us all jumpstart a different thought process on character creation.

And for all the Star-Crossed readers, do send Resa an email to win that free e-book. It sounds like a winner, doesn't it? :D

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