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Assembly Required

Today let's talk favors. No, not something I can do for you, or something you can do for me...I'm talking about those little doodads you pick up on the goody tables at conferences or find stuffed in baskets at some romance chapter meetings. You know the standard--pens, highlighters, note pads, sticky notes, and then we come to bookmarks. I for one don't think you can have too many, but the real issue is whether goodies (or favors) should require assembly.

Old school bookmarks were simply made of cardstock or printed and cut by a shop, though you had to pay extra greenbacks for that service. Then people started punching holes in the top and lacing ribbon through to add some pizazz. More recently, some one came up with the thong. Yep, that's right, a little strip of ribbon or twine that rides down in your book's crack. Now they're decorated with various beads and come in a variety of colors, and most are adorned with miniature tags stating the author's name and book title as a reminder. I know I had a tough time in Atlanta picking out my favorite to take home as a memento. Yes, I did stop a minute in my greedy heyday to acknowledge all the hard work the author, and hopefully a handful of good friends, had went to for the basketful. And it seems the craftiness or author's to save a few hard earned bucks isn't stopping anytime soon.

But now, as I pour over pages and pages of wedding favors I have to wonder do people really care? Is that why writers always try to choose a goody that's usable, since it means the recipient has to touch it again and again, making it a tactile reminder the buy their book? I find myself wondering if my 150 guests will give a hoot that my bridesmaids and I will have glue all over our hands when we seal their programs, or that we'll have slaved over their chocolate bars to decorate them with a fancy HEA wrapper. Will they just tear it off, sling it aside and devour the writer's favorite delicacy? (I know the kids will have a field day, and their parents will likely wish me dead for giving them sugar at night.) It makes you wonder doesn't it? Is it worth all the time you invest, not to mention the money to have items printed so they color coordinate to match your theme? If you don't have the money to get the work done for you, nor the mullah to hire a PT assistant, what's a girl to do? You have to promo your product, and readers (like wedding guests) do expect certain perks, right?

I know, and believe, that the "little things" count. But when you have a FT job to do, housework to keep tidy, a workout regimen to maintain, not to mention a list of to-dos to get done daily, (as well as invitations to design, a florist and caterer to select, etc. while remaining thrifty) something has to give! (Lest it be your sanity giving way.)

Unfortunately, I know that come October, I'll wish I'd done all these little things to make my bridal party and guests feel special. So I'll bite my tongue and go de-stress a bit by watching Ever After for the 30th time to record quotes for place cards. And tomorrow I'll start drafting more volunteers to include in my entourage. Remember you can never have too many friends, especially those that are handy with a glue stick (ribbon or scissors) and will work for chocolate.

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