New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jacquelyn Frank is a native New Yorker, loves cats to the point of insanity, and is branching out from her popular Nightwalkers thanks to her meandering muse. Media is her life's blood and she loves to draw inspiration from the music of Sarah McLachlan, Maire Brennan and Evanescence's Amy Lee, not to mention tracks from Buffy and Angel. As for books, she loves paranormals, historicals and eroticas...including the ones like she pens that make readers flush. In movies she prefers disaster flicks that reveal a raw honesty about the end of the human race as we know it and watching the human race persevere through horrible situations thanks to their best qualities. Then there is that charged moment of romance that springs up in impossible moments of desperation. And sometimes it's a tie between watching people bite the dust of their arrogance or because they're TSTL.
In the past Jacquelyn was an ASL interpreter as well as a substitute teacher and health aide. Though ever since her teenage years she's wanted to be a writer. She thought things really did stop at that first kiss until she got her hands on an introductory copy of Loveswept! Ever since she saw what was between those pages, she's been writing romance and gobbling it up as a reader. When she isn't working on a manuscript, or chipping away at her TRB pile, she champions literacy and animal advocacy.

I had the pleasure of meeting Jacquelyn at a local RWA chapter meeting. She'd just moved into the area, give or take a few miles, and was looking for like minded "folk". The first time she popped up on the loop, she was helping a family in need who'd lost everything in a fire. From that point on I realized one of her "trademarks" is helping others, though she has her own challenges. As a fellow RWA member she jumped into help our growing chapter and was eager to do her part, eventhough she was super busy with her Nightwalker series.
We were so delighted that she joined our group, and that she had such success with her "men". I regret that I didn't get to spend more time in her common, because she is so witty and tech savvy. But I know she has her hands full with bigger projects--can you say another series? If it's as electric as the first, her schedule is going to be hectic for quite a while thinking up new ways to make us, her fans, blush. Kudos go out to you Jacquelyn! Keep those hot (yet troubled and endearing) guys coming!

What traits do you feel will help your fans embrace the Shadowdwellers as much as they have the Nightwalkers? How did their story allow you to branch out into something new?
While the Shadowdwellers are from the same world as the Nightwalkers, they are a very insular society and don’t interact much with the outside world. Although, when they did in the past it was to cause mischief. But they have come through a sobering civil war recently and are ready to take their place among the more mature Nightwalker clans. You won’t see much in the way of crossing over between these worlds in these early stories, but I have a feeling that will change by the time I get to the fourth story in the Shadowdwellers series. As it is, I have to finish off the Nightwalkers series with one more book!
With heroes manly enough to headline their own novels, how do you create heroines that compliment, and yet are equal to, them?
I honestly don’t know “how” I do any of this. I just do it. I create the characters first then look at them like puzzle pieces and think, okie doke, how do I fit these two together? And you can’t tell me they don’t go together because I will force them to if I have to…which often makes the best parts of a story.
Do you know how many books fans can look forward to in the Shadowdwellers series? Are there any characters that appeared in ECSTASY and/or will appear in RAPTURE that you're itching to bring to life in their own novel?
I think we’ll have four books in the Shadowdweller series, but I am learning never to make that a solid promise. I said five for the Nightwalkers and now look at me! I have to do a sixth or fans are going to kill me for not taking care of some things in the last book! There are three characters that I am itching to get my hands on from this series, but I don’t know if I will get to them all. We’ll have to see. The thing about the Shadowdwellers series is I can’t talk much about the next book in the series or I give away important details about the book before it. Like, if you read Rapture before ECSTASY, it spoils the entire plot of the first book.
Out of all the characters you've created, is there one you wished you could meet in flesh and blood reality?
Magnus, the hero of RAPTURE. He just rocks. He’s also insanely sexy.
When you're using movies as inspiration, what's the latest flick that has you wanting more?
Star Trek. I LOVE it when you turn things on their head in a story, be it written or film. I was dying for more. Of course, I’m a full on Trek geek so…I may be biased!
How did you manage to find the time to host the Authors After Dark Para
normal Weekend with two bestselling series?
Luckily Stella PRice and Bianca D’arc are doing a
Since RWA Nationals is around the bend, will you be attending and/or doing a seminar? Is there any ot her news your fans need to know about coming up this year?
I won’t be attending RWA, nor will I attend RT next year. I am going to keep it to the smaller weekend events. My health is simply not cut out for week long events. The only news I have is that I am throwing my own weekend, the Authors After Dark Paranormal Weekend the weekend before Halloween. All the information they need is at www.authorsafterdark.net.
For more about Jacquelyn and her books, check out www.jacquelynfrank.com. Also as promised, one lucky person who posts a question or comment (here or at www.myspace.com/star_crossedromance) will be entered for a chance to win the signed copy of RAPTURE, which won't be in stores until June 30th! So get to typing!
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