Jeri Smith-Ready has written fiction since the night she had her first double espresso. A continued caffeine stream has resulted in six published novels, which have won multiple awards in the fantasy and romance genres. (These include, but aren't limited to NJRW's Golden Leaf, Virginia Romance Writers Holt Medallion, FF&P's PRISM Award, RT's Reviewer's Choice Award, and RWA's Rita Award.) Jeri has a Masters in environmental policy to boot, and lives in Maryland with her husband, cat, and greyhound.

I had the chance to meet Jeri at the RWA National Conference in Atlanta, GA a few years back. Like all great meetings at conference, it happened in the elevator! She congratulated me on my first sale ribbon. I will admit to ogling her badge which had her book cover, and of course said she was published! As a matter of fact she'd just sold EYES OF CROW to Luna, a publisher I'd also been eyeing.
Off and on since then, we've dropped each other a line via e-mail. Needless to say when her new WVMP series premiered with WICKED GAME, I was super delighted for her! And like "Aspect of Crow" it's garnered some serious attention, and not just from the FF&P crowds! We're talking mainstream here!
While I was brushing up for this interview, I also learned about her new YA series! And who knew she'd written a book about the Devil falling in love? In short, I'll just say Jeri's website is a plethora of info and fun! If you want your cursor on the pulse of hot (no, not erotic) fiction, keep it there because Jeri's career is headed for supernova status!

Out of all the sub-genres in romance, and fiction in general, what drew you to the world of fantasy?

As an award winning writer of a “traditional” fantasy series, what prompted the birth of your urban fantasy “WVMP Radio” series?

Urban fantasy is actually my original passion. As I mentioned, I love stories that take our world and put a twist on it to illuminate what it means to be human. My first publication was an urban fantasy e-book called REQUIEM FOR THE DEVIL (2001, Grand Central, still available from Amazon, etc.). It tells the story of Lucifer’s first love affair and how it changes everything. In the novel, the Devil is currently masquerading as a Washington, DC, political consultant. Many people think this is closer to reality than fantasy.
As for my future urban fantasies, the “WVMP Radio” series will continue for at least two more books (BRING ON THE NIGHT in 2010 and the tentatively titled LUST FOR LIFE in 2011). I hope to bring the series to its natural conclusion after the fifth book. At this point I have no plans to write more traditional fantasies—all of the ideas percolating in my head belong firmly in the present world that I love so madly.

I have a lot of favorite genres—punk, psychedelic, indie/alternative, Celtic, acoustic blues. What I listen to on any given day depends on my mood. The last couple of years I’ve focused on new music and artists a lot more than in the previous half decade or so. Thanks to satellite radio and the internet, it’s easier than ever to discover great new acts, and there’s some really exciting stuff out there right now.
As for music accompanying my writing, it varies from novel to novel. For my current work-in-progress, BRING ON THE NIGHT, I keep coming back to Ciara’s favorite song, “Otherside” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, as well as the title song by The Police. There are also a few CDs I play repeatedly during the more intense sequences, but I’m afraid if I list them, it’ll give away a major plot spoiler!
But if you want to check out the "WVMP Series" music, including playlists and chapter title songs, visit http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/music.htm
Singling out your heroine Ciara to talk about seems too easy, so who is your favorite DJ vampire? How can fans find out more about their favorite?
Definitely Shane. I love his cool exterior that hides such a depth of emotion and passion. I love his bone dry sense of humor. Plus, he plays guitar, which is auto-awesome in my book. He’d be great fun to, um, hang out with. Or whatever.
Fans can read his origin story, “Last Request,” free online at http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/shane1.htm
Three of the other DJs also have their stories on my site:
Jim, “When the Music’s Over”: http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/jim.htm
Spencer, “Rave On”: http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/spencer1.htm
Monroe, “Crossroads”: http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/monroe.htm
Noah’s and Regina’s stories will appear at some time in the future, when I can grab a few weeks here and there to write them!
Also, people can visit the DJs at the radio station’s main website, http://www.wvmpradio.com/djs
They each have a playlist that gives a sample of what they might play on their shows. Sometimes I’ll play them on in the background while I write scenes that feature that character.

Who can become part of your WVMP Street Team, which seems to be full of perks?
As for music accompanying my writing, it varies from novel to novel. For my current work-in-progress, BRING ON THE NIGHT, I keep coming back to Ciara’s favorite song, “Otherside” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, as well as the title song by The Police. There are also a few CDs I play repeatedly during the more intense sequences, but I’m afraid if I list them, it’ll give away a major plot spoiler!
But if you want to check out the "WVMP Series" music, including playlists and chapter title songs, visit http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/music.htm
Singling out your heroine Ciara to talk about seems too easy, so who is your favorite DJ vampire? How can fans find out more about their favorite?
Definitely Shane. I love his cool exterior that hides such a depth of emotion and passion. I love his bone dry sense of humor. Plus, he plays guitar, which is auto-awesome in my book. He’d be great fun to, um, hang out with. Or whatever.
Fans can read his origin story, “Last Request,” free online at http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/shane1.htm
Three of the other DJs also have their stories on my site:
Jim, “When the Music’s Over”: http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/jim.htm
Spencer, “Rave On”: http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/spencer1.htm
Monroe, “Crossroads”: http://www.jerismithready.com/books/wicked-game/monroe.htm
Noah’s and Regina’s stories will appear at some time in the future, when I can grab a few weeks here and there to write them!
Also, people can visit the DJs at the radio station’s main website, http://www.wvmpradio.com/djs
They each have a playlist that gives a sample of what they might play on their shows. Sometimes I’ll play them on in the background while I write scenes that feature that character.

Who can become part of your WVMP Street Team, which seems to be full of perks?
Anyone! Street Team members help me get the word out about the WVMP Radio books by handing out bookmarks to their friends, family, librarians, and booksellers; by blogging about the novels or by posting widgets on their websites; or just by spreading word of mouth.
Last year’s Street Team members each received an ARC of BAD TO THE BONE, but I have no idea if I’ll have enough ARCs to hand out next year. They also each receive a special edition bookplate. Other than that, the only “perk” is the fun of being part of a team and spreading the word about books they love. I am constantly stunned, humbled, and amazed by the efforts of my Street Teamers!
Here’s a link if anyone would like more information on joining:
Since you’re freshly back from DC, when did you have an “I’ll never forget that” moment at RWA Nationals?
Shooting a Tommy gun during our Kiss of Death chapter tour of the FBI Academy. Winning a PRISM award for WICKED GAME in the Light Paranormal category. Making Jade Lee snarf her water during a panel. It was a good week.
Last year’s Street Team members each received an ARC of BAD TO THE BONE, but I have no idea if I’ll have enough ARCs to hand out next year. They also each receive a special edition bookplate. Other than that, the only “perk” is the fun of being part of a team and spreading the word about books they love. I am constantly stunned, humbled, and amazed by the efforts of my Street Teamers!
Here’s a link if anyone would like more information on joining:

Shooting a Tommy gun during our Kiss of Death chapter tour of the FBI Academy. Winning a PRISM award for WICKED GAME in the Light Paranormal category. Making Jade Lee snarf her water during a panel. It was a good week.

As a seasoned author who’s been in the publishing trenches, what do you look forward to for the future?
Ha! I don’t consider myself seasoned at all—I still feel like I’m fumbling my way through this crazy business as best as I can. Every year brings a new challenge and opportunity.
I’m insanely excited about my young adult urban fantasy debut in May 2010, SHADE. It’s about a 16-year-old girl on a mission to find out why she and everyone younger than her can see ghosts. See, a mysterious event called the Shift happened at the moment of her winter solstice birth. She wishes she could reverse the Shift and make those annoying/terrifying ghosts go away forever. And then her boyfriend dies and becomes a ghost.
Thank you so much for having me on your site! I love to hear from readers, so you can either ask me questions here or come visit me at www.jerismithready.com. I’m also constantly on Twitter (http://twitter.com/jsmithready), Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/jerismithready), and MySpace (www.myspace.com/jerismithready).
Remember if you're interested in winning a signed copy of one of Jeri's novels, you must post below. One lucky name will be drawn for the prize!!
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