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The Score

As I sometimes do, I spent time tonight perusing my local Best Buy's soundtrack section. Is it just me or has it shrunk there and in other "big box" stores? I listened to "New Divide" blaring from overhead and was struck again by the urge to buy the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen album. I'd heard it on the radio earlier and thought...hmmm, that would be great for a big scene or to pep me up on a run. When I saw the price tag, I recoiled. Fourteen bucks, and I only knew I liked one song! So I decided to check the bytes online before I dropped that chunk of cash. (BTW, I also think this is what makes sample chapters so important!) Especially since I spotted the album for the original Transformers movie too. :0) (I do have to admit my curiosity was also piqued by a song called "100 Yard Dash".)

While I love futuristic anything, I also found that my tight purse strings kept me from picking up The End by the Black Eyed Peas. I'd already gotten Boom, Boom, Pow before the album "dropped" into stores...and it's become a go to for fight scenes and long runs to keep my energy going.

Over the course of my writing the style in music I like "in the moment" has changed, though I still have favorites I go back to. Queen, for instance! Who Wants to Live Forever will always remind me of Highlander, and my crush for Adrian Paul. Queen's Greatest Hits album was also a mainstay on my CD player while I was writing JUST ONE LIFE, my cat paranormal. For my last futuristic it was a toss up depending on the scene of Nickelback (before everyone thought they were awesome) and the Saint soundtrack with a little mix of Ronan Keating for those romantic moments. When I'm shuffling my music, I often hear a song and it brings me back to scenes I wrote while I was listening to it. Sometimes even years before. If you want to talk about things "back in the day" my first novel was written to the soundtrack of Quest for Camelot. I's hokey, but so inspiring!
Related:The Score

I think it's safe to say that each book had it's own compilation soundtrack! Another writer who uses this to the max is Jeri Smith-Ready who will be talking about her DJ Vampire series next week in the Star Light, Star Bright...Interstellar Interview. She's even gone so far as to make a website for the make believe radio station!

How about you? What music inspires you to work through the kinks, push for that big climax or plow through almost with fists during that final fight scene or BBM? As you ponder that, I'm heading over to listen to those musical tidbits...and possibly temptation.

In other scoring news, The Final Draft, the newsletter I edit for Carolina Romance Writers, placed third in the Document Category of the RWA Newsletter Contest!

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