-- Lynda
Creatures and Ideas
Whenever I look around me, at my house life or those of others, I see ideas. While life might be a tad mundane at times, it’s how you spice it up that makes for good fodder…and good stories.
The only reason why I bring this up is because I don’t write about normal paranormal characters. I’m always looking for ways to change them up. That doesn’t mean I neglect the classic vampire or werewolf. Are you kidding me? I love the classics! If it hadn’t been for them, I wouldn’t have the imagination that I do now. My only thing is they’re not the focus of my stories. They might play secondary character or a bit part, but that’s about it.
In Stripped, my main heroine is a human hybrid or half werewolf and half human. I love love love my werewolves. But…I wanted to make mine different. Having a half-wolf is definitely different. At least, for me it is. My heroine, Alexa Wells, has all of the characteristics of a werewolf, but she doesn’t change and she’s not quite as strong.
In my werewolf world, that’s an extremely rare trait in itself. Most human hybrids are killed off due in part to a full-blood challenging them or they’re mentally unstable because they don’t understand what has happened to them. Nevertheless, I wanted to make this work with my human hybrid and I had found a way to make that happen. Next thing I knew, Alexa Wells was born. If we can have dhampirs (half human/half vampire), then why not the same for werewolves?
There are many stories about shapeshifting cats out there, but I could hardly find any werecheetahs in the mix. I love cheetahs. There’s something majestic about them that catches my eye. They deserve their own story, so that where my werecheetah romances were born. Seduction on the Prowl will be the second story in series and will be released Spring 2010 with Parker Publishing. I love this story because it introduces other creatures that don’t always get enough page/screen time, IMHO. I’m talking root women, mummies, cunning women, and chameleons. I love love love my chameleon heroine. She will definitely get her own story, if I have anything to say about it. ;-)
I won’t divulge any of the other characters I’m working on, but rest assured I will have a character dictionary on my website one of these days. I’ll have to, in order to keep track of my supernatural world. For now, let’s just say I’m thinking well outside the box and probably in another field. No worries though. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as a paranormal writer is that anything is possible as long as you make it believable.

Someone wants their perfect weapon back, only she’s not coming quietly.
Alexa Wells wants her life back. She’s just not sure what that life was. The memories inside her head—a stripper’s—aren’t hers, and before she humiliates herself onstage one more time, she sets out to collect the scattered pieces of her mind. The trail leads to Boston, charges of identity theft and murder, and the real bombshell: a forgotten werewolf lover who insists she’s a werewolf hybrid.
Matt York doesn’t care that she looks at him like he’s been smoking crack between court cases. Now that he has her back he’s not about to let her go it alone, even if she can easily kick ass and take names all by herself. Amnesia only scratches the surface of her problems, and like it or not, she’s stuck with him.
She’s also stuck with Robert Gamboldt, a venture capitalist who’s not above murdering his way to the top. He’s not about to lose his prize possession without playing dirty. It’s a simple enough offer. Be his personal assassin, or go to jail.
With options like that, it’s enough to make a hybrid go full-blood.
Paranormal author Marcia Colette was born and raised in a single-parent household in upstate New York. She graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a bachelors degree in biomedical engineering and a masters degree in information technology from American Intercontinental University. After a couple of moves from north to south to north, she is now living in the south again in the lovely state of North Carolina.
Unlike many authors, Marcia hadn’t discovered her love for reading until her late twenties. As it turned out, her tastes were very selective and different than most of the stuff her English teachers tried to shove down her throat. She has been a lover of the paranormal from her first horror movie and has never looked back.
Marcia is a member of the Horror Writers Association, Paranormal Mystery Writers, and Romance Writers of America.
The best place to find her is on her blog where she loves connecting with readers and other writers. Conferences/conventions where sci-fi, fantasy, and horror reign supreme are a good bet, too, along with the occasional romance conference.
For more information check out my website at www.marciacolette.com or my blog at http://marciacolette.wordpress.com.
Purchase STRIPPED at http://new.mybookstoreandmore.com/shop/product.da/stripped
-- Lynda Again.
If you leave a comment on the blog, email Ms Colette at marciacolette@gmail.com and she'll enter your name in a drawing for an e-copy of her book Stripped. Good luck!
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