This remake on the old adage made me laugh when I read it in Celtic Sacrifice by Sheryl Brennan. Not that the book is a comedy though it does have some lighter moments. This book, billed as a historical romance, somehow got mixed in with my usual collection of paranormal, fantasy or sci fi romance books. You may recall, we had Sheryl guest with us some time ago (she had a lovely article about male character archetypes).
Nevertheless, this was an interesting take on the subjugation of Ireland to England based on the observations of Ceana, a druid priestess whose destiny is to restore the mystic powers of an ancient ancestor. Not that there's a lot of warring going on - it's more on the order of skirmishing (though, to be honest, a war is a war is a war and none are pleasant). There were also elements of culture war - Christianity against the old beliefs of druidism and how it and its attending politics splinters Ceana's family.
I particularly liked the druid priest, Cian, who seemed destined to wed Ceana and who knew he wanted to marry her from a young age. However, I was rather surprised when Cian turned out NOT to be the romantic hero in the story. Still, the mysterious young warrior who turned out to be the hero wasn't bad either, lol.
I have to admit the romantic elements of the story weren't as strong as I would like them but I found Celtic Sacrifice to be an a pleasant summer read. And I'd like to offer the book as a prize to one lucky person who is a member of my newsletter group.
Details on how to win will be in my Monday, Aug 3 short newsletter to the group.
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