Then I shifted this idea to my writing. As I've said I haven't been writing of late. In the beginning it was an unconscious choice after being burned out from trying so hard and being rejected after my publisher's bankruptcy. I believed I'd place another book or another story, but month after month I worked and worked, but nothing big materialized. I realized I was focusing too much, that I needed to force myself to take a break. Then life got in the way. Racing took over a spot, the economy tanked any my full time job was...and quite possibly still jeopardy. Not to mention planning our wedding and getting married, which shoved what time I could've written out the window except for those must does.

At times it seemed like I was doing all I could to keep up, or was always trying to get back in step, and yet I didn't feel satisfied in the job I was doing. I always seemed to be letting someone down, missing something when I should've been on top of the situation, and in short was realistically juggling too much. Stressed wasn't the word for how I felt. Trashed like a marathoner at the finish like after a pack of hills sums it up better...sapped of energy, aching from exertion, and sad because I hadn't been able to enjoy the moments along the way.
Now I think the strain from all my extra curricular activities has come due. I've gotten to the point where I just want to be left alone to think, heck even time to read a whole book. Very much like I used to when I wrote some of my best novels. I hunger for getting back to writing, though I'll still have to juggle daily life. As a woman multi-taking is a necessity. But I also have to live...not just stick my head up just in time to see another day/week/month whisk by because I'm so busy.
Really living means being alive...not just going through the motions, like in writing. Recall how they say show don't tell? I want to be in the moment, not getting the recap via someone else.

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