Today we have Susan Kearney, one of my favorite futuristic authors, who will be discussing creating characters for this great genre. Make sure you read all the way to the Lynda Again section. I have another special treat for members of my newsgroup (if you aren't a member, read below to find out how you can become one).
Futuristic romance is my favorite genre. Yes, I’ve written for historical, contemporary, romantic suspense and science fiction markets but the idea of mixing romance and science fiction has always draw me. Perhaps it’s the possibilities... that the universe is infinite and full of adventure and surprises that draws me to the genre.
I’ve always loved action and adventure combined with romance. I believe the trick to making stories seem believable is to find a way to connect to the characters and their worlds. That’s why the Pendragon Legacy trilogy may have dragonshapers who can morph between dragon and humans, but they also have hopes and dreams – just like you and me. My characters want to save their families. They want to fall in love. They just do it on a somewhat grander canvass.
When I began the trilogy, I had no idea JORDAN would be the hero for the third book. But his backstory intrigued me. I mean a two-thousand year old man who is on a critical mission to save Earth -- who could ignore him. Besides — he fought with King Arthur, he knows stuff we don’t and that’s enough to drive Vivianne Blackstone, a self-made billionaire to distraction—and passion. You see when I write the alpha male, I often let him meet his match with an alpha female. That’s when the tension rises and the sparks fly. That’s when I can’t type fast enough. That’s when I forget that there’s no such thing as dragons and interplanertary travel and an ancient threat to Earth. The story becomes real because I’m rooting for my people. And I hope readers will be rooting for them too.
I can only tell the stories that interest me and I hope readers will come along for the ride. I like strong, intelligent men and women who feel vulnerable when they fall in love. And I like to have fun with the worlds, the characters and the plot. If you’d like to know more about me and my books, I encourage you to watch the videos and read a free excerpt at
Link to video about RION
link to video about LUCAN
link to excerpt JORDAN
1600 years ago, Jordan was the sole survivor of a ruthless Tribe attack which annihilated his world. To stop the Tribes deadly galactic conquest from continuing,

Vivianne Blackstone is a lady with her own agenda. An American businesswoman, self-made billionaire and a fighter from the get-go, she’s confident, capable and a definite type A personality. One of Earth’s brightest and most loyal citizens, she vows to do her part to save the planet when she learns the Tribes are on the move again.
Jordan and Vivianne team up to save Earth and along the way they fall in love. But according to galactic legend, there’s only 1 way to defeat the Tribes: Uniting the Ancient Staff with the Holy Grail. There’s only one catch, Jordan cannot live without the Ancient Staff. To defeat the Tribes and save Earth, he must perish.
Susan Kearney used to set herself on fire four times a day, now a USA TODAY BESTSELLING author, she does something really hot—she writes paranormal romance and her current series The Pendragon Legacy based on Arthurian Legend is a huge success. She can apply the old rule of "write what you know" and never run out of ideas for characters and plots. An All-American and professional diver, expert in martial arts, sailor, real estate broker and owner of a barter business as well as women's fitness and three hair salons, she has enough material for a lifetime.
Kearney has written historical, contemporary and futuristic romance as well as romantic suspense and science fiction for publishers such as Harlequin, Tor, Grand Central Publishing, Simon and Schuster and Berkley. Kearney has won career achievement awards for paranormal and romantic suspense., as well as Telly awards for her videos. She given workshops at national conferences on the business of writing as well as on plotting , characterization and world building.
A native of New Jersey, Kearney writes full time. She resides in a suburb of Tampa—with her husband, kids and Boston Terriers. Currently she's plotting her way through her 54th work of fiction. You can reach her through this web site.
-- Lynda Again
Today's member word is MOROSE /LOOSH/ adj. sullenly melancholy; gloomy.
Members of my newsgroup will know what to do with today's word. You can know too by joining us. But don't worry, there isn't any chatter. You'll only get notices from me so it won't fill your mailbox. My fluffy cat, Wookie Baby, will help me select the lucky person whose name is drawn and I'll announce it here on Friday. (She'd do it herself but her English vocabulary is limited to NO-when she's going to the vet and WOE-when she's getting a bath, lol) This week's prize is a copy of Linda Wisdom's Hex In High Heels. It's a great book!
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