Good morning! Join me on the cozy couch and assorted comfy chairs as I welcome author Ashlyn Chase. Ashlyn has a new book out 'How To Date A Dragon' that you'll love. Check my review here. Plus, her publicist is giving away 1 copy of the book preceding this one - Flirting Under A Full Moon. Leave a comment with your email addy, so I can contact you, by Friday to be entered in the drawing.
Now...for the interview!
Now...for the interview!
AC: When the words just flow. The characters are talking to each other and I can barely keep up with them. (I’m not a fast typist.)
2. Do you have a daily writing ritual?
AC: I answer email first. Then check Facebook. I try not to get sucked into social media so I can get writing by at least 9 a.m. Most of the time, I’m successful.
3. Are you superstitious about your work? Explain a bit about that. I’m curious!
AC: Hmmm…sort of. I don’t like anyone to see my first draft before my critique partner does. That’s not really superstitious. She catches the really stupid boo boos and keeps the egg off my face.
4. Are you a plotter, a pantser, or a hybrid?
AC: Definite hybrid. I usually write about 3 chapters without much plotting. I just want to know what the characters are like and how they need to grow organically. Then I plot more conflicts, and eventually get them to grow to the point where they can succeed in their quest, whatever it may be.
5. Do you prefer to write novellas, short stories, or full-length books? Which do you prefer to reading?
AC: I like fast paced stories, so I’m actually a novella girl. I can write short novels without much trouble, but you have no idea how I sweat the big stuff! Trying to keep up that pace for 350 pages is crazy.
6. Who have been your greatest influences? Your biggest obstacles (you don’t need to name names, just generalizing is fine)? How have you seen these shape you as a writer?
AC: My mother was one of the strongest women I’ve ever known. One of her favorite sayings (and she had a lot of them) was “Nothing ventured; nothing gained.” She instilled a sense of adventure and courage that has helped me overcome some outrageous misfortune. My biggest obstacles without naming names? Anyone who tried to hurt my self-esteem. Unfortunately there are a lot of people in this world who think they’re doing you a favor by “taking you down a peg.” A kind word of advice would work better than a nasty remark, but very few people seem to understand that.
7. When you feel a moment of indecision or self-doubt, what have you found to be the best method or trick to get out of that nasty funk?
AC: Doing something nice for someone else. I’ve had some seriously low ‘funks’ to get out of, and something as simple as bringing flowers to someone not expecting them helps me as much as them.
8. If you write paranormal or thriller, have you ever scared yourself? Was it late at night? What happened!? (Hey, once I scared myself so badly, I had to stay awake most of the night!)
AC: I don’t read or write thrillers for a reason. I’m pretty sensitive. My husband has learned not to lurk around corners and jump out at me. I’ve fainted! I write light paranormals and include a lot of humor. I have made myself cry, however. I hate to break up my lovers, but sometimes it has to happen for them to grow past a hang-up, etc.
9. What is your favorite part about developing your characters? Why?
AC: As you can probably tell from my previous answers, I love to see them grow. I always give them some flaw to overcome. It makes them “human,” even if they aren’t.
10. For series writers, pick a first book to one of your series. When did you get that hunch that told you these characters would continue on in another book or that their story wasn’t entirely done? Did you choose the same main characters or did you explore some supporting characters’ lives?
AC: Strange Neighbors was my first real series. I had a sequel or two starring secondary characters in my erotic romances, but my mainstream novels include a whole cast of interesting characters. I’ve had fans write and beg me to write a book for their favorite secondary characters. I’m usually working on their story as they speak! We seem to have the same favorites. When Strange Neighbors ended, I wrote a spin-off series. (The one coming out now.) There are visits from some of the Strange Neighbors gang so we can check in and see how they’re doing.
11. Have you been published in small press, big press, as an indie, or a combination? Why did you make this decision? If you chose indie, what was the ‘turning point’ for you?
AC: I started publishing with small presses. Now I’m with the big guys, and I feel very fortunate to have landed these contracts. They’ve introduced me to a whole new group of readers by putting my books on the shelves at stores like Barnes and Noble. I have an self-published title coming out in the future. No release date yet, but we’re hoping for some time around Christmas 2013. Yes, I said ‘we.’ It’s 3 related stories by Dalton Diaz (with whom I have 2 published stories already) and our headliner is the incomparable, bestseller, Michele Bardsley! She wrote books like “I’m the Vampire. That’s Why” and “Because your Vampire Said So.” We’re planning to deliver a fun and flirty hot paranormal anthology starring three Greek Gods.
12. Tell me about your book, How to Date a Dragon. Why did you write this particular story? Was it simmering peacefully on the back burner or did it startle you like a kitchen flash fire?
AC: LOL. Funny you should mention fire. One of my biggest fans has become a dear friend. She has “a thing” for firemen. So, I wrote a story for her and channeled her sense of humor into my heroine. It was one of the easiest books to write. It flowed, had awesome characters, and I was able to check my research with her firefighter boyfriend. I loved my editor’s comment. She said, “You nailed it!”
Let the Sparks Fly…
Bliss Russo thought nothing exciting ever happened in her life. Until her building caught on fire and she had to be carried out of the flames in the arms of a gorgeous fireman. Sure, her apartment is now in shambles and she'll have to start her huge work project completely from scratch. But at least her love life is finally looking up...if only she can find her red-hot rescuer again.
Dragon shapeshifter Drake Cameron is the last of his clan, and the loneliness is starting to claw at him. He's met only one woman who might be able to stand the shock of his true nature. After all, she barely batted an eyelash when her home burned down. And feeling her curves against him was just as hot as the inferno. Just when he thinks he'll never track her down, she walks into his firehouse—with no idea what she's about to get herself into...
“[Ashlyn Chase] entertains with a voice that makes reading her stories pure pleasure. It’s like spending time with your favorite friends. Reviewer Top Pick” —Night Owl Reviews on How to Date a Dragon
Ashlyn Chase describes herself as an Almond Joy bar. A little nutty, a little flaky, but basically sweet, wanting only to give her readers a satisfying experience.
She holds a degree in behavioral sciences, worked as a psychiatric RN for several years and spent a few more years working for the American Red Cross. She credits her sense of humor to her former careers since comedy helped preserve whatever was left of her sanity. She is a multi-published, award-winning author of humorous erotic and paranormal romances, represented by the Seymour Agency.
She lives in beautiful New Hampshire with her true-life hero husband who’d look like Hugh Jackman if you dyed his hair, and they’re owned by a spoiled brat cat. For more information, please visit, follow her on Twitter!/GoddessAsh, and like her on Facebook,
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