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Kunci Gitar Lagu Michael Buble - Lost [Chord]

Kunci Gitar Lagu Michael Buble - Lost [Chord]
Pembukaan [Intro]: Bb D#m E Bb F#
____ Bb D#m E Bb F# Bb
I can’t believe it’s over

I watched the whole thing fall

F#m__________________________ G#
And I never saw the writing that was on the wall

 If I’d only knew

_________________ G#
The days were slipping past

That the good things never last

___________ F#
That you were crying

Summer turned to winter

And the snow it turned to rain

And the rain turned into tears upon your face

________ C#m______________F#
I hardly recognized the girl you are today

And god I hope it’s not too late

_____ F#
It’s not too late


G#m__________ C#m
Cause you are not alone

I’m always there with you

_____________ Bb
And we’ll get lost together

D#m__________ G#m
Till the light comes pouring through

________________________ C#m 
Cause when you feel like you’re done

________________ F#
And the darkness has won

_____________ Bb D#m G#m
Babe, you’re not lost ooo ooo

When your worlds crashing down

And you can’t bear the thought

I said, babe, you’re not lost

Life can show no mercy

It can tear your soul apart

It can make you feel like you’ve gone crazy

________ G#
But you’re not

_______________ C#m
Things have seem to changed

____________________ G#
There’s one thing that’s still the same

In my heart you have remained

_________ F# E F# E D#m_F#
And we can fly fly fly away

Ulang Kembali ke Reffnya*:

Bb__D#m E
Yeah Yeah Yeah

Bb_______ F#___Bb____ D#m E 
I said, baby, you’re not lost

Bb_______ F#___ Bb____ D#m E 
 I said, baby, you’re not lost

Bb_______ F#___Bb____ 
I said, baby, you’re not lost

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