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Guest - Linda Nightingale

Good morning! We have author Linda Nightingale. And in the corner there, we have Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Blondies and cafe au lait. Try some. They're calorie free ;-) (Alas, the member recipe for the cookies will have calories.) Sit back and enjoy!


I have been told that readers want to know about the people who write this weird stuff.  So, I’ll introduce my weird self.  I started life on December 27th(year intentionally omitted) as Linda Joyce Brown in Anderson, South Carolina.  I grew up along the way and became a legal assistant.  The last position I held before retiring to write fulltime was with Legal Services at MD Anderson Cancer Center.  I am a mother, a writer and a lover of horses.  I spent many years in the show arena.  My Andalusian stallion Bonito was twice national champion at halter.  Our breeding operation was Camelot Act II in my hometown.  After the death of two of my horses, I sold the farm and moved to Miami, but Bonito, of course (he was my soul mate) went with me.  I’ve lived in Canada and England, and now reside in the big State of Texas.   My favorite things are my two sons, horses, piano and gorgeous men with long blond hair.

But I’d rather talk about my books!  My Work in Progress is another paranormal romance titled, The Summons.   I’m having a lot of fun writing this tale of a spirit bound to a witch who doesn’t know she is a witch.  When he rebels against a powerful Shaman bent on sacrificing her for sins she did not commit, the wouldn’t be witch must learn her craft fast.

I have four books available in eBook and in print, Sinners’ Opera, Gemini Rising, Cardinal Desires and my latest release, Sinners’ Obsession, the sequel to Sinners’ Opera and Book #2 in the Obsession Series.  Sinners’ Opera was in the Top Ten in the 2013 Preditors’ & Editors’ Poll.  Gemini Rising won the Mainstream Category in that poll in 2012.  Cardinal Desires won the Georgia Romance Writers’ Magnolia Award.
Sinners’ Opera, the book of my heart, was the first one I wrote, and it was years in the making and editing from over 1,000 pages to 171 published in 2013 by Double Dragon Publishing, a Canadian publisher.   My editor at DDP asked for a sequel, and Sinners’ Obsession is now in the editing phase.  I had already begun a prequel, Sinners’ Waltz.  In that long ago beginning, I didn’t anticipate writing a series, but I seem to have done so!  So, I needed a name for the series and, very originally, I have called the Morgan trilogy, Obsession.

Morgan D’Arcy, the hero, is an English lord, a classical pianist and … a vampire.   Sinners’ Opera is Isabeau’s and Morgan’s story.  You can view the book video on YouTube at:
The music is beautiful, and author Noelle Adams did a splendid job with production of the video.

Sinners’ Obsession was released in August by Double Dragon Publishing:
A frantic mother researches her daughter's flawed DNA in a race against time, suffering disappointment after disappointment in her search for a cure.

In this sequel to Sinners' Opera, Morgan D'Arcy, English lord, classical pianist and vampire, finally wins his Isabeau. Six months of painful separation have eroded Isabeau's need to remain true to her wicked bargain with the most powerful vampire in the world, Lucien St. Albans. During their estrangement, Isabeau gives birth to Morgan's daughter, Eroica—a DarkeChilde, half-human and half-vampire, outlawed by the Vampyre Code. She loves Morgan too much to live without him and relents to his enticing pursuit, but a dangerous confession nearly shatters their idyllic existence. In a dark moment, Morgan tells Isabeau their child carries a defective gene that will cause Eroica to go mad at puberty.

Eroica D'Arcy is the subject of Isabeau's deal with the devil. When their beautiful blonde daughter reaches her twentieth birthday, she is promised to the Dark Prince of vampires, Lucien St. Albans.

Other Books:


Lynda Again --
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Have a Blessed day!

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