C F Am G F
[Verse I:]
I`m walking up
Am F
from my summers dreams again
Am G F
try to thinking if you`re alright
then I`m shattered
Am F
by the shadows of your eyes
Am G F
knowing you`re still here by my side
I can see you if you`re not with me
Am G F
I can say to my self if you were ok
I can feel you if you`re not with me
I can reach you my self
you show me the way..
[Verse II:]
C Am F
Life was never be so easy as it seems
Am G F
till you come and bring your love inside
No matter space
Am F
and distance make it look so far
Am G F
still I know you`re still here by my side
I can see you if you`re not with me
Am G F
I can say to my self if you were ok
I can feel you if you`re not with me
I can reach you my self
you show me the way..
Dm F
you`ve made me so alive
you give the best for me
love and fantasy
Dm F
yeah and i never feel so lonely
coz you`re always here with me
yeah always here with me
I can see you if you`re not with me
Am G F
I can say to my self if you were ok
I can feel you if you`re not with me
I can reach you my self
you show me the way
you show me the way you show me the way
I`m walking up
Am F
from my summers dreams again
C Am F
try to thinking if you`re alright
then I`m shattered
Am F
by the shadows of your eyes
C Am F
knowing you`re still here by my side
Chord lagu
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- W
- walet band
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- walking dead
- warrior
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- Watchmen
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- wedding
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- Weni D'Academy
- Werecat
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- werewolf shaoeshifters
- werewolves
- what if
- Whizzkid
- Why Don't We
- Wicked By Any Other Name
- Wild Blue Uner
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- Wings
- wireless
- witch series
- witches
- Wiwid
- Wiz Khalifa
- Wonder Boys
- world building
- worldbuilding
- woro ep
- writer
- writers
- writing
- writing advice
- writing tips
- wyoming
- X
- xandra
- XXXTentation
- Y
- YA
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- young adult
- Young Lex
- Yovie & Nuno
- Yovie and Nuno
- Yoview & Nuno
- Yowis Ben
- Yuki Kato
- Yura Yunita
- Z
- ZBI Crew
- Zedd
- Zhavia Ward
- Ziana Zain
- Zigas
- Zivilia
- zombie
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