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Valentine's Kisses

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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from

You’ve exchanged the boxes of candy or the gifts of jewelry or flowers, read the romantic cards (or if your SO is like mine, the funny romantic cards :D) What then?

Then you exchange a Valentine’s kiss. It can be as simple as a buss to the cheek or forehead. It’s often the anticipation that makes or breaks a kiss.

Groaning, she attempted to stand, then felt his big hands slip under her arms. Just like that, she was on her feet. He stood close enough she could feel the heat pour off his body and smell the slightly exotic scent that fit him so perfectly. His hands rested lightly on her shoulders for a long moment before his fingers trailed down the length of her arms, tangled with her fingers, then made a return journey. One of his hands, warm and slightly callused, moved to her neck. Focusing on the crisp hair peeking out of the deep V of his collar, she held her breath, once more aware of the curious tension that coiled deep in her body. If she looked up, she was sure he would kiss her.

ALTERED DESTINY (Available in March)

“Nae, let’s try this again, shall we?” He performed well enough to do away with the foolishness so he swung into the saddle. Reaching for her, he ordered, “Put your foot in the stirrup, Annie. I’ll help you up.”
“Liane,” she corrected, her gaze latched onto the bared length of his thigh. Her tongue wet her lips and sudden visions of other uses for that tongue gushed through his mind. It was all he could do to stay mounted. On the horse. Not Annie. She looked up. “What if I just walk alongside?”

But between two lovers, the simple kiss will often turn into something deeper, more intense.


"Liar." He pulled her into his arms and pressed his mouth to hers. Stiff at first, she slowly melded to him, her lips becoming soft and warm. He slanted his mouth on hers for better access, and then traced her lips with his tongue. When her mouth opened, when her tongue met then danced with his, when her arms wrapped around his neck, all the hunger he felt for Keriam crashed through him like a hit of lightning.
He dropped his hand to her firm buttocks and pressed her intimately close. Her soft moan echoed through his blood like thunder. He slid a hand under her shirt, reveling in the warm satin touch of her flesh. Drawing his hand forward, he cupped her breast, thumbing her nipple through the fabric of her undergarment. Unbidden, a soft growl purred in his throat.
She tasted sweet. And warm. And so uniquely Keriam he thought he would die of it. When she arched her back, pressing against his erection, he thought he would lose his mind.
He wanted to lose himself in her, wanted to stake his claim to her, wanted to wipe every memory of Marc Cooper and any other man from her memory.

Related:Ooo, L'Amour
ALTERED DESTINY (Available in March)

She made a breathless sound. “Don’t be silly. You don’t want to kiss me.”
“Silly?” One hand drifted up her arm to encircle the supple column of her neck while the other settled on her waist. He leaned forward, slowly, letting his body brush hers. Desire rippled over him and he lowered his head until her warm breath danced over his skin. His lips met hers, slowly, smoothly, until she softened beneath him. Then he kissed her in earnest. Her lips were sweet and her reluctance soon vanished as he pulled her closer, pressing her against his body, chest to hip to thigh. Her hands settled on his waist, holding him close, as a low moan vibrated in her throat. Her warmth filled him. Her taste satisfied him yet made him hunger for more. His blood roared in his ears and it was all he could do to pull back, to release her. He nodded, slowly. “Aye, silly.”

For one brief second, their eyes met…and held.
“You!” her low contralto voice echoed his startled exclamation.
Anything can happen.
Rose’s lips parted in a broad smile. Clay didn’t have a chance to respond as she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him into the room. The door swung shut on its own as she looked at him and he looked at her. They weren’t aware of moving toward each other until they were in each other’s arms.

No matter how you celebrate Valentine’s Day, I wish you all the love and kisses that you desire.

sexy & romantic glitter graphics myspace code sexy images
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from

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