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Days Like This

Fridays are supposed to be idyllic, right? They’re supposed to be easy days where everything goes your way and everyone is happy, right? They’re the kind of days that everyone wishes they had everyday…or so we think.

After this morning, I knew I needed to change my original topic for the day. So what led me to talking about how a day is supposed to be?

First I woke up early (though sore from a two hour workout…no not that kind), kissed my significant other and lounged in bed a few minutes. Then I got up, did my morning routine and the cats didn’t try to kill each other…imagine that. I was perky because I was giving my newest BIGgest Loser group pedometers, a special treat to do challenges, and knew it would add some excitement at the office as they asked others, “How many steps have you done?” (And no the answer isn’t 12. Lol) Tonight we were going to see friends we hadn’t seen in months due to his schedule, and I was going to get the chance to hit a super-sized Barnes & Noble and perhaps get some pizza.

Then as I was finishing getting dressed, I heard my significant other come back inside. Which is never a good thing. But naïve me thought, “Oh, he just needs to borrow my ice scraper.” Instead he opened the door to the bedroom wearing a frown and said, “I’ve got to call into work to tell them I’ll be late. Someone broke into my car again and stole my radio.”

I couldn’t talk him into calling the police no matter how I angled the idea, and I got him off to work still sad about losing the stereo he’d had only 2 months. Fuming over the situation, I barely managed to suck down some milk and grab a banana before scraping my window and getting to the office on time. I called my mom, looking for a sympathetic ear, and she reminded me that I need to do X, Y and that I haven’t yet gotten said significant other to marry me. I started to cry at my gray/brown desk inside my tiny cubicle while my co-workers filtered in for the day wondering, “What’s wrong with her?” (Thanks PMS!)

That’s how my great day turned to ruins. It could definitely have been worse, like the night I got his call about flipping his car in the mountains and not having a way to get it back. All I kept thinking was atleast he’s alive…long enough for me to wring his neck. And atleast I wasn’t running out the door with my chest thumping, scared his car had flipped across the neighbor’s yard from a suspected loose tire. That ended up being a drunk driver running up over the curb, knocking his tire off the rim, and then trying to make a break for it. And yes, as you’re probably thinking…I was trying to finish a da** book!

I’ve always had this image of a perfect writing day. A mid morning start with a light breakfast before I grab a bottle of water and sit down behind a beautiful desk. Eventhough I’m wearing my superhero pajamas and fuzzy footies. I have a window to look out across a breathtaking scene when I get stumped by what’s on my monitor. My cat (or dog) is at my feet, calming lending me company instead of walking across my keyboard. And like magic the words flow until the sun goes down and my stomach says, “Feed me!”

But it never seems to turn out like that, does it? As of late, I’ve been listening to the serenade of my dryer that sounds like a turbine engine instead of jazzy writing music. My desk is so littered I barely have room for my laptop, and my TBR pile is taking over the space. And I fear my laptop is either overloaded or about at its end, which means another added expense…besides the dryer.

Ahh…the fodder our lives tender. What great experiences to build to that Big Black Moment!

So what’s your dream writing day like? Or perhaps you’d like to share your writing day from hell. Whatever it is, feel free to vent those frustrations here!

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