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Guest - Linda Wisdom

Good morning, everyone! Today we have the ever popular author Linda Wisdom visiting us again with news about her newest book Wicked By Any Other Name. Make sure you read all the way to the bottom to see how you can win a copy of this fabulous book...and if you don't win, go out and buy it anyway :D


The Witches Are Back!

I’ve heard from many readers how much they love Jazz and many of them asked if Stasi and Blair will have their own books. Of course! As if they’d allow me to ignore them.

So now it’s Stasi’s turn in Wicked By Any Other Name. The sweet witch who sees romance as something so important in everyone’s life that she tucks special sachets in each purchase to enhance the customer’s sensuality. Sadly, there’s presently none in hers. A lingerie boutique that’s infused with magick so anyone entering smells their favorite fragrance. Unless you’re PMSing then you smell chocolate.

But Stasi doesn’t have it easy. A human is suing her in Wizards Court and the sexy wizard attorney for the plaintiff is making her hiccup iridescent bubbles. The gargoyle that lives in her shop is making a game of figuring out whose breasts are real and then there’s some odd things going on in the town during their Halloween festivities.

It’s not easy to even think about romance when your town is snowed in, the power’s out and the townspeople are looking at you as if they’re afraid you’re going to cook up their children in your oven or level flesh eating curses on one and all.

Then there’s those pesky red hearts dancing over Stasi and Trev’s heads indicating they’re each other’s soul mates. Cupid’s idea of humor since he resents Stasi doing anything to promote romance. After all, that’s his job.

But Stasi hasn’t been around this long without having a few spells up her sleeve. It’s not easy, definitely frightening at times and it also takes the help of fellow witches Blair and Jazz along with vampire Nick, ghostly Irma and yes, Fluff and Puff are there too.

What it shows is that witches still rule and wizards drool. Over cute witches that is.

A lucky commenter will receive a copy of Wicked By Any Other Name!


-- Lynda again :D Don't forget that this is the third in the series. There are two fabulous books prior to this as well - 50 Ways To Hex Your Lover and Hex Appeal both featuring the tempestuous witch, Jazz. Great reads both of them!

You can read my reviews of these two books here and here. Sadly, the contests on those pages are ended but you can still join my newsgroup for other contests and news. Oh, and I did a review for Wicked By Any Other Name yesterday. You can see it here.

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