We all know how comets are chunks of dirty ice in extreme orbit around the sun, which pass close enough to Earth every so often to be seen from the backyard, or possibly a half-decent amateur telescope, and that when these dirty ice chunks approach the inner solar system and the warmth of the sun, some of that ice melts, releasing trapped materials and gases in a trailing streamer stretching behind the comet's main body, and often making some of the most beautiful visual effects of the comet's passing.
There's a long tail in publishing, too, where the economies of scale and the costs of mass distribution limit the presence of the tail--it can only be seen at certain times and in the right conditions, and then briefly in the life of the comet, but perhaps spectacularly so. This publishing long tail consists of stories and subgenres that don't have the same wide appeal as the current Hot Thing, but still have an audience. Perhaps a larger audience, if they were only as widely available as the main body of the publishing comet.
The internets have become a great equalizer (of a sort--until everyone, everywhere has access to the internets and tools to interact in it with, and power to run them, the internets will still have a limit that doesn't quite reach 'global.'). With more people on the internets today than ever before, more ways to use the internets are shaking themselves out into consciousness and culture. People are Finding Things on the internets. Like a great archaeological dig, people are discovering what they've lost--old friends, old movies, old songs, old news. And they are discovering things that they never knew they missed. Like Bollywood movies or subtitled anime that would never have otherwise made it to western shores. Or books dealing with certain subjects considered "unmarketable" when compared to the fare found on the bookstore shelves. On the internets, the long tail has found conditions that let it glow.
One of the reasons for this is that the internets are actually bypassing the cultural gatekeepers that have been present in our culture. In order to see a movie in the theater, the studio has to distribute it and the theater owner has to agree to show it, and you have to show up at the theater according to their schedule. A movie without distribution (indie films) usually doesn't see the light of day beyond a few "art houses" or very limited runs and showings. The internet changes that--creating the opportunity (not necessarily the reality, but the potentiality) for the audience to make the first and last judgment on the cinema. Indie music is the same way--music stores have limited shelf space, music labels filter through the potential musicians and grant chances to the ones they believe will have the best chance of striking a chord (pardon the pun) with a large audience. But the folk singer, barbershop quartet, acapella group, comedy rapper may be the best in class, only the class is too small for the economies of scale to kick in and make it profitable to a large studio. The gatekeeper is bypassed when the small group reaches out directly to the audience via the public square of live performance.
So too, is this happening in the book publishing world, and it's an exciting time for it to be happening, as the audience is just really becoming aware of all the possibility out there, and all the ways they can use it.
Chord lagu
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Label List
- /rif
- 1776
- 20s
- 3 Composer
- 3 Doors Down
- 30 Seconds to Mars
- 30 something
- 5 Seconds Of Summer
- 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover
- 5K
- 5Romeo
- 6ixth Sense
- 7 Icons
- A
- Aas Rolani
- AB Three
- Abah Lala
- abandoned parks
- Abdul & The Coffee Theory
- Abdul and The Coffee Theory
- action romance
- ada band
- Adam Levine
- addiction
- Adegan
- Adele
- Adera
- Adiba
- Adipati
- Adista
- adventure
- Aerosmith
- Afgan
- Aftershine
- agent
- Agnes Monica
- Agung Pradanta
- Ahmad Dani
- Ahmad Dhani
- Ahmad Faqih
- Air Supply
- Aisyah Aziz
- Akim & The Majistret
- Al Ghazali
- Alan Walker
- Alec Benjamin
- Alesso
- Alethea Kontis
- Alexa
- Alexandra Porat
- Ali Sastra
- Aliando Syarief
- Alien languages
- Alika
- Alone At Last
- Alova
- alpha males
- Alvi Ananta
- Amanda Grange
- American Heart Association
- Amir Hariz
- Amy Boyles
- Amy Search
- Andhika Pratama
- Andi Meriem Matalatta
- Andien
- Andmesh
- andmesh kamaleng
- Andra & The Backbone
- Andra And The Backbone
- Andra Respati
- Andra The Backbone
- Andre Hehanusa
- Andrew Garcia
- android
- Andy Liany
- Angela Knight
- angels
- Anggun
- Angkasa
- Anie Carera
- Anima
- Anji
- Anne Kane
- Anne Marie
- announcements
- anthology
- Antique
- Ari Lasso
- Ari Pramundito
- Ariana Grande
- Arie Wibowo
- Ariel Tatum
- Arif Alfiansyah
- Armand Maulana dan Dewi Gita
- Arrow
- Arsy Widianto
- Arsy Widianto feat Brisia Jodie
- Asahan
- Asap
- Asbak
- Asep Irama
- ashlyn chase
- Astor Kid's
- Astrid
- atlantis
- Atut
- Audrey
- Audrey Tapiheru
- Audy
- Aulia
- Austin Mahone
- author
- authors
- authors in public
- Avalon
- Avenged Sevenfold
- Avril Lavigne
- Ayu Ting Ting
- Aziz Harun
- Azmi
- B
- backstory
- Badai
- Bagindas
- band indonesia
- banks
- Barasuara
- Baron
- battle
- Bayu Skak WTB
- BB King
- beach
- Beage
- Bebe Rexha
- Bebi Romeo
- Bening
- Benyamin Sueb
- Bernadette
- Bestseller
- beta males
- Betharia Sonata
- Betrand Peto
- Betrayer
- Bexxa
- Biggest Loser
- Bilal Indrajaya
- Bimbo
- birthday
- Blackout
- Blink
- boarding school
- Boboy
- Bon Jovi
- Bona Paputungan
- Bondan Prakoso
- Bondan Prakoso & Fade 2 Black
- book
- book boyfriends
- book release
- book review
- books
- Boomerang
- Boyce Avenue
- Bragi
- Bre
- break
- break up lines
- Breast Cancer
- bridesmaid
- Brisia Jodie
- Broery
- Brooks & Loote
- brothers in arms
- Bruno Mars
- Bryan Adams
- Budi Doremi
- buffet
- Bunga Citra Lestari
- burgerkill
- C
- Cak Blangkon
- Cak Diqin
- Cakra Khan
- Calum Scott
- Calvin Jeremy
- Camelot
- Camila Cabello
- Captain Jack
- carryon
- cassandra
- castle
- Cat Star Chronicles
- Cecilia Dominic
- celengan rindu
- Celine
- Celine Dion
- cellphone
- Celtic Sacrifice
- Channel
- character values
- characters
- charity
- Charlie Puth
- Cheer
- Cherrybelle
- Cheryl Brooks
- Chevrolet
- Chloe Harris
- chocolate
- Chord
- chord ada band
- chord allahummarhamna bil quran
- Chord Cinta Luar Biasa
- chord cinta terbaik
- Chord Cinto Apo Adonyo
- chord demi kowe
- chord didi kempot
- chord gitar
- chord gitar cinta terlarang ilir
- Chord Gitar Kalung Emas
- chord gitar naff kenanglah aku
- chord gitar sewu kuto
- chord hanya rindu
- chord indie
- Chord Kartonyono Medot Janji
- chord kunci gitar d'bagindas
- chord kunci gitar ilir 7
- chord lagu
- chord lagu akad
- chord lagu didi kempot
- Chord Layang Kangen
- Chord Mundur Alon Alon
- Chord Pamer Bojo
- chord pendhoza
- Chord Persija Kesurupan
- Chord Rembulan
- chord sampai tutup usia
- Chord Satu Hati Sampai Mati
- chord sheila on 7 pemuja rahasia
- chord st12
- Chord Suket Teki
- Chord Surat Cinta Untuk Starla
- Christian Bautista
- Christina Perri
- Christmas
- Christo
- Chrisye
- Chynthia Ivana
- cider
- cinderella
- Cindy Spenser Pape
- Cinta Dalam Doa
- Cinta Laura
- cinta terlarang
- Cinto Apo Adonyo
- cita citata
- Citra Scholastika
- CJ Johnson
- Clara
- Claudia Emmanuela Santoso
- cleaning
- cliche
- cliffhanger
- Closehead
- Coboy Junior
- cocoa
- Cokelat
- Coklat
- cold temperatures
- Coldiac
- Coldplay
- comic
- conference
- Conny Dio
- contest
- contest romance
- contests
- cord new
- cost of power
- costumes
- Cozy Republik
- crayons
- creating characters
- creatures
- Crisye
- Cross Bottom
- cyber space
- Cynthia Eden
- D
- D.B. Reynolds
- D’Bagindas
- D'Bagindaz
- D'Masiv
- D'Paspor
- Dadali
- Dadido
- Damasutra
- dangdut
- Darcy
- dark
- Darmansyah
- Data
- David Guetta
- davinci
- Day the Earth Stood Still
- Dcozt Band
- Dean Lewis
- Deasy Natalina
- deborah cooke
- Deddy Dores
- Delon
- Demi Lovato
- demons
- Dengarkan Dia
- Denny Caknan
- Dera Siagian
- Derby
- Derby Romeo
- Derradru
- Devano Danendra
- Devon Ellington
- Dewa 19
- Dewi Lestari
- Dewi Yull
- Dhyo Haw
- Dialog Dini Hari
- Dian Anic
- Dian Piesesha
- Diane Burton
- Dianna Love
- Dicky Adam
- didi kempot
- Die
- Dilza
- Dina Mariana
- Dionne Warwick
- directions
- Diskoria
- DJ
- djinn
- Dmasiv
- Doddie Latuharhary
- Dodit Mulyanto
- Doel Sumbang
- Domino
- Dorchester
- download
- draft
- dragon
- dragon shapeshifters
- dreaming
- Drive
- Dudy Oris
- Duo Maia
- Dygta
- dystopian romance
- E
- Easter
- Ebay
- ebola
- ebook
- Echo Ishii
- economy
- Ecoutez!
- Ecstacy
- Ed Sheeran
- EdCoustic
- editor
- Edo Kondologit
- Efek Rumah Kaca
- eggs
- Eilis Flynn
- Ekamatra
- elaine corvidae
- Element
- Elizabeth Amber
- Ella
- Ellie Goulding
- Ello
- Ellora's Cave
- Elsa Pitaloka
- elvis
- Elvis Presley
- Elvy Sukaesih
- Emma Heesters
- Encik Mimpi
- Enda (Ungu)
- Endank Soekamti
- endurance
- engagement
- Entah Apa yang Merasukimu
- Eny Sagita
- epublishing
- Eri Suzan
- Ericka Scott
- erotic romance
- erotica
- Europe
- Evanescence
- Ever After
- excerpts
- exercise
- Exist
- F
- Fade 2 Black
- Fade2Black
- faerie
- Fairy
- fairy tale romance
- Fall Out Boy
- Family
- fantasy
- fantasy romance
- Fat Tuesday
- Father's Day
- Fatin
- Fatin Shidqia Lubis
- Fauzi Bima
- favors
- Fearless
- February
- Feby Putri
- Felix
- Female Author Main Characters
- fencing
- fiersa besari
- Fifth Element
- Fildan
- Fillion
- film
- finish
- Firefly
- fireworks
- Firman
- Fitri Karlina
- Five Minutes
- flag
- Flanella
- Float
- flowers
- flying
- foreplay
- Fourtwnty
- Frances Pauli
- Francesca Hawley
- Friday
- fringe
- future living
- futuristic
- futuristic romance
- G
- Gadiz
- Gamma
- Garasi
- gardening
- Gary Allan
- Geisha
- genre
- Georgia
- Gerimis Melanda Hati
- Gerry Mahesa
- ghost
- Gibrans
- gift
- gifts
- Gigi
- Gisel
- Giselle
- Gita Gutawa
- giveaway
- giveaways
- Glen Fredly
- Glenn Fredly
- Gloria Jessica
- Go Red
- Go'rame Band
- goal
- goals
- God Bless
- golden rule
- Goliath
- goodies
- graphic novel
- Green Day
- Greyson Chance
- Grinch
- Gugun Blues Shelter
- Guns N Roses
- GuyonWaton
- H
- Hailee Steinfeld
- Hallmark
- Hallowed Circle
- Halloween
- Halsey
- Hanin Dhiya
- Happy Asmara
- happy endings
- Haqiem Rusli
- Harlequin
- HarmoniA
- Harry
- heart
- Heartsone
- Heartstone
- Helen Sparingga
- Hello
- Helloween
- hero
- Heroes
- Hex Appeal
- highland rogue
- Hijau Daun
- Hinder
- HiVi!
- holiday
- holiday food
- holidays
- Holy Grail
- honeymoon
- Honne
- Hope's Folly
- hot-button
- House of Night
- humanity
- humbug
- humorous
- I
- I Prevail
- ideas
- Iga Callia
- Iggy Azalea
- Iis Dahlia
- Iklim
- Iksan Skuter
- ilir 7
- illegal hunting
- Ilux
- Imagine Dragons
- imelda
- Imeymey
- Immortal Danger
- in over her head
- individuality
- Ines Johnson
- Ingga
- Inka Christie
- Inner Circle
- Intan Sari iyem
- Internet
- interview
- Ipang
- Ipank
- Ira Swara
- Irma Dharmawangsa
- Isabel Cooper
- Isyana Sarasvati
- Italian cooking
- Iyeth Bustami
- J
- J-Rocks
- Jabril
- Jacquelyn Frank
- jaguar shifters
- James Arthur
- James Blunt
- Jamrud
- Jane Austin
- Janet Lane Walters
- jasad
- Jasmine Thompson
- Java Jive
- Jay Jay
- Jaz
- Jefri Al Buchori
- Jen Manurung
- jenna black
- Jennie Kim
- Jennifer Colgan
- Jeri Smith-Ready
- jessica kong
- Jessica Lee
- Jessie J
- Jessie Ware
- Jewel
- Jhonny Iskandar
- Jikustik
- Jina Bacarr
- JKT48
- JL Wilson
- Joan Jett
- Joan Wilder
- John Legend
- Jorja Smith
- Jovita Aurel
- Joy
- judi fennell
- Judika
- Julia Michaels
- Julie Bergan
- Juliette
- July 4th
- Justin Bieber
- juwita bahar
- K
- K-391
- K. Mabe
- K.M Fawcett
- Kahitna
- kamakazie
- kamalinda Band
- Kamasean
- Kangen Band
- Karin Shah
- Karri Thompson
- Kate Duffy
- Kate Hill
- Kathryne Kennedy
- Katy Perry
- Kelly Clarkson
- Kelly L Stone
- kendra leigh castle
- Kensington
- Keremcem
- Kerri Nelson
- Kertas Band
- Killing Me Inside
- Kinetik feat Melanie Subono
- kiss of fury
- kisses
- Kla Project
- Klenik Genk
- Koes Plus
- Kotak
- Krispatih
- Kristal
- Kristin Cast
- Kumpulan Kunci Gitar
- Kunci gitar
- kunci gitar akad
- kunci gitar dari C
- kunci gitar dari D
- kunci gitar dari Em
- kunci gitar dari G
- Kunci Harmonika
- Kunci Lagu Barat
- Kunci Lagu Indonesia
- kunci lagu kucuri lagi hatimu
- Kunto Aji
- Kygo
- L
- La Luna
- Lacy Band
- Lady Gaga
- lagu aceh
- Lagu Ambon
- Lagu Anak
- lagu Anime
- Lagu Barat
- Lagu Batak
- lagu Daerah
- Lagu Dangdut
- Lagu indie
- Lagu Jawa
- Lagu Korea
- lagu pop
- Lagu Raggae
- lagu reggae
- Lagu religi
- Lagu Rock
- lagu westen
- Laksamana
- Lala Kamela
- Laluna
- Langit Sore
- laptop
- Last Child
- last child pedih
- Last Kiss From Avelin
- Latinka
- laughter
- Lauren Smith
- Laurie Brown
- Legend of the White Wolf
- Lestari
- Lesti
- Letto
- license
- lights
- Lilin Herlina
- Linda Nightingale
- Linda Robertson
- Linda Thomas-Sundstrom
- linda wisdom
- Linkin Park
- Linnea Sinclair
- Lisa Shearin
- live strong
- Lobow
- Lorde
- Loren Allred
- love
- Love Feast
- Love Stinks
- Lovehunters
- Lukas Graham
- Luna Last Smile
- Luna Maya
- lurking
- Lyla
- Lynda K Scott
- Lynda K. Scott
- M
- M and M
- M2M
- mage
- magic
- magical objects
- Magnolia
- Mahadewa
- Mahen
- Maher Zain
- Maia Estianty
- Malaysia
- male/male romance
- Maliq and D'Essentials
- Maliq D'Essential
- manca negara
- Mannequin
- Mansyur S
- marathon
- Marcell
- Marcia Colette
- Mardi Gras
- Marie Lavender
- Mario G Klau
- Marion Jola
- Marjinal
- maroon 5
- marriage
- Mary Montague Sikes
- Masaki Ueda
- Matta
- Maudy Ayunda
- maumere
- May
- Maya
- Mega
- Mega Mustika
- megan elizabeth
- Megan Morgan
- Meghan Trainor
- Mekkel Nama Au
- Mel Shandy
- melanie nilles
- Melly feat Anto Hoed
- Melly Goeslaw
- Melly Guslow
- Melly Mono
- mermaid
- metallica
- Michael Buble
- Michael Christian
- Michael Heart
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Learns To Rock
- Michelle Miles
- Mikha Angelo
- Mikha Tambayong
- miles
- Miley Cyrus
- minis
- Molly Harper
- Momonon
- Monita Tahalea
- Moonlight
- Morganville
- Mother's Day
- movie
- movies
- Moza
- Mr. Big
- msn
- Mulan Jameela
- multi-task
- Mundania Press
- Muse
- Musikimia
- Mustache and Beard
- My Chemical Romance
- mystery
- N
- Nabilah JKT48
- Nadya
- Nafa Urbach
- Naff
- Nagita Slavina
- Nahla
- Naif
- Nance
- Nash
- Natasya Rizky
- Nathan Sykes
- Nationals
- Native Americans
- Natta Reza
- Nazia Marwiana
- Ndarboy Genk
- Near
- Near feat Dian Sorowea
- nela karisma
- Netral
- new adult romance
- New Eta
- New Moon
- new projects
- new release
- new releases
- new worlds
- New Year
- new year resolution
- news
- newsletters
- Nice Friday
- Nice Girls Don't
- Nickelback
- Nicky Astria
- Nidji
- Nightcore
- Nike Ardilla
- Nina Pierce
- Nineball
- Nirvana
- Nisa Fauzia
- NIve
- Noah
- Noer Halimah
- Nora Roberts
- Normani
- Nosstress
- Not Lagu
- novel
- novellas
- Novita Dewi
- Numata
- Nurbayan
- Nyong Fanco
- O
- Oasis
- Obbie Messakh
- Oh Wonder
- old west
- Olympian
- Om Wawes
- Once
- one direction
- One Ok Rock
- Oon B
- Opick
- Orbit
- Orson Scott Card
- Ossa Elisa
- ost Film
- Osvaldo Nugroho
- Our Last Night
- Our Story
- Outcast
- P
- Padi
- pajamas
- Pamungkas
- Panbers
- panca band
- Pance F. Pondaag
- Panic! At The Disco
- paperback
- Papinka
- Paramore
- paranormal
- paranormal romance
- paranormal suspense
- party
- Pas Band
- Passenger
- Peace
- pedometer
- pee wee gaskins
- pen names
- Perdana Trio
- perfumes
- Peterpan
- Petra Sihombing
- Phil Collins
- pictures
- Pinkan Mambo
- Plankton
- Platinoem
- plots
- plus-size heroines
- Pongki Barata
- Poppy Mercury
- portrait
- Post Malone
- Power Metal
- prey
- pride
- priestess
- Prilly Latuconsina
- Prince of Shadows
- program
- Project Pop
- promo
- promo items
- publisher
- publishing
- putri iklan
- Q
- Qiara
- Queen
- quilt
- quirky
- R
- Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
- race
- Race to Witch Mountain
- rache leigh smith
- Rachel Caine
- Rachel Vincent
- Radio
- Radja
- Raffi Ahmad
- rafflecopter drawing
- Rafi Ahmad
- Rafika Duri
- Rahim Maarof
- Raisa
- Rama
- Ramli Sarip
- Rapture
- Ras Muhamad
- Ratu Sikumbang
- Rayen Pono
- Rayi Putra
- Rayola
- readers
- reading
- realism
- Rebellion Rose
- rebirth
- recession
- Red L. Jameson
- Reedzwann
- Regency romance
- Regina
- relay for life
- rembulan ing wengi
- Rendi Matari
- Republik
- Repvblik
- Resa Nelson
- research
- resolution
- Ressa Herlambang
- Revolusi Harmoni
- Reygan
- Reza
- Rhoma Irama
- Ria Amelia
- ribas
- Rihanna
- ring
- Rio Febrian
- Rita Sugiarto
- Riuh Sunyi
- Riza Umami
- Rizky Febian
- robbery
- Robbie Williams
- Robby NS
- robe
- Rocket Rockers
- Rod Stewart
- rogue
- Roman
- romance
- romantic suspense
- Romeo
- Ronan Keating
- Rossa
- Rossa Angelina
- Roulette
- Rudiath
- Rudy Chysara
- Rumor
- running
- Ruri Wantogia
- Ruth Sahanaya
- Ryan Adams
- S
- S.L. Wright
- Safe Band
- Sahara
- Sahrul Gunawan
- Salah Apa Aku
- Salam Satu Jiwa Persija
- Saleem
- Salju
- Salshabilla
- Sam Smith
- Samatha Kane
- Sammy Simorangkir
- Samsons
- Samudera
- Samwaga
- Santa
- Sara Bareilles
- Sara Humphreys
- Sarah Daltry
- Sarah Mclachlan
- Sarah McNeal
- Sarah Usman
- Sascha Illyvich
- satyr
- sci-fi
- sci-fi romance
- science
- science fantasy romance
- science fiction
- science fiction romance
- Scorpions
- Screen
- Search
- Second Civil
- secondary characters
- Selena Gomez
- Sembilan Band
- Senja
- Setia Band
- Seungri
- Seurieus
- Seventeen
- sexy scares
- SF genre
- SF Romance
- Shaden
- Shae
- Shakira
- Shandy Sondoro
- Shane Filan
- shape shifters
- shapeshifter
- shapeshifters
- Shauna Aura Knight
- Shawn Mendes
- Shayarani
- Sheila Majid
- Sheila On 7
- Sherina
- Sherly Sheinafia
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
- Sheryl Brennan
- Shiffa Harun
- Shifter
- shifters
- Shona Husk
- Siantar Rap Foundation
- Sign of Seven
- Simon
- Simple Plan
- sinner's obsession
- site
- siti badriah
- Siti Liza
- Siti Nordiana
- Siti Nurhaliza
- SKA 86
- Skylar Grey
- Slam
- smiley
- snarky
- sneakers
- social networking
- Soimah
- song
- Sonia
- Sosok
- Souljah
- SouQy
- sourcebooks
- South
- space opera
- speculative fiction
- Spin
- Spoon
- spring
- St12
- stamps
- Stand By Me Chord
- Star Light
- Star Trek
- Star Trek Generations
- Stargate
- Starjacked
- staycation
- steampunk
- Steelheart
- stereo
- Stereo Jane
- Steven & Coconut Treez
- Stings
- Stinky
- story
- Story Of The Year
- stray
- stress
- Sudirman
- Suliyana
- Sultan
- Sunset
- super junior
- superheroes
- Superman Is Dead
- Supernova
- surrogates
- Survival Race
- Susan Kearney
- susan mac nicol
- Sword
- syabrina
- Syahrini
- T
- Tabitha Shay
- Take That
- tall dark and paranormal
- Tameri Etherton
- Tangga
- tarot
- Tasya Rosmala
- Tata Janeeta
- tattoo
- Taxi Band
- Taylor Swift
- technology
- Tegar
- Tere
- Terra Rossa
- Terry Spear
- Tes Hilaire
- tess mallory
- The Beatles
- The Box
- the brian
- The Changcuter
- The Changcuters
- The Coffee
- The Dragonslayer's Sword
- The Finest Tree
- The Fly
- The Groove
- The Jenggot
- The Macarons Project
- The Mercy's
- The Mercys
- The Mirza
- The Overtunes
- The Panasdalam Bank
- The Rain
- The Rock
- The script
- The Titans
- The Virgin
- things I've learned
- thomas arya
- Thriller
- Tic Band
- Tiket
- time travel
- Tipe X
- Tips
- Titi DJ
- Titi Kamal
- Titi Sjuman
- To Tempt The Wolf
- to-do list
- Tommy J Pisa
- Tompi
- Tones and I
- tongam sirait
- toni sweeney
- Tony Q Rastafara
- Top Less Band
- transformation
- transformers
- treadmill
- tree
- Tri Suaka
- Trio Macan
- Trisouls
- true blood
- Tulus
- TV
- Tweedy
- twilight
- U
- U9
- Ucok Sumbara
- ugly truth
- UK's
- undergod
- Understanding
- Ungu
- urban fantasy
- used books
- Using the Senses
- Ussy Sulistiawati
- Utha Likumahuwa
- Utopia
- V
- V.S. Nelson
- vacation
- Valentine
- Valentine's Day
- Valerie Broussard
- vampire
- vampires
- vampite
- vampyre
- Vanesha Prescilla
- Vanny Vabiola
- vegas
- Venue Band
- via valen
- Vicious Circle
- Vicky Salamor
- Victor Hutabarat
- Victoria Janssen
- Vidi Aldiano
- Vierra
- Viky Sianipar
- villains
- Vina Panduwinata
- Virginia Kantra
- Virgoun
- virus
- Virzha
- Vita Alvia
- W
- walet band
- Wali
- walking dead
- warrior
- Washington
- Watchmen
- weather
- Weather Warden
- wedding
- weight loss
- Weni D'Academy
- Werecat
- weres
- werewolf
- werewolf shaoeshifters
- werewolves
- what if
- Whizzkid
- Why Don't We
- Wicked By Any Other Name
- Wild Blue Uner
- Wilgo
- Willy Hutasoit
- Wings
- wireless
- witch series
- witches
- Wiwid
- Wiz Khalifa
- Wonder Boys
- world building
- worldbuilding
- woro ep
- writer
- writers
- writing
- writing advice
- writing tips
- wyoming
- X
- xandra
- XXXTentation
- Y
- YA
- yard sale
- Yoda
- young adult
- Young Lex
- Yovie & Nuno
- Yovie and Nuno
- Yoview & Nuno
- Yowis Ben
- Yuki Kato
- Yura Yunita
- Z
- ZBI Crew
- Zedd
- Zhavia Ward
- Ziana Zain
- Zigas
- Zivilia
- zombie
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