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Currently I'm working to get a backup author for the Star Light, Star Bright Interstellar Interview so stay tuned next Friday.

And I can completely understand why my e-mail went unrequited. The author is up to her eyeballs in work! She's juggling promo for 2 releases, promo-ing a huge sweepstakes, and working on getting in those next bestsellers on time. So there's no wonder my note was overlooked or passed over to follow up on later. In a word...she's overextended.

With less than a month until the wedding I can commiserate. Sleep seems like something I only get to dream about, or try to find while my mind is spinning from the whirl of all I have on my plate. My to-do list seems to be growing....or mutating like the problems that seem to morph daily. And no this is not a regularly scheduled Bridezilla moment. :0) It started with a bridesmaid that didn't like the dresses I chose, spawned in to addresses that almost didn't arrive in time, sprouted blue roses that matched the colors but screamed fake, became the never ending nag about scripture not being chosen, turned into the first time in 6 years my photographer had kept a bride waiting, ballooned into a double-booked rec hall, and the list seems to keep growing. But with each manifestation I keep beating them into submission, remaining a true storybook heroine, and keeping my wits about me. See...not Bridezilla. I'm hoping that these kinks will mean my wedding day runs smoothly, and that there is no BBM looming. I know that Fate has a way of playing jokes with even the most stalwart of loves, and superheroines...but I hope that I can create my HEA with an "I do." before the hors d/oeuvres hit the fan.

And part of my overextension comes back to not saying "No." I'd planned to take a hiatus from the chapter newsletter I edit, but I said yes to another year. Guess what? I finished 3rd in a national contest. Plus everyone loves the newsletter and waits expectantly every first Sunday to pounce on it like a cat with a new nip-filled toy!

Like most writers, I have a day job, and that means never saying no to your boss. (Except when she asks you to fly to AZ the day before your bridal portraits.) Now I'm ankle deep in a class that is quickly swelling to my waist with must read chapters, must do outlines and a picky workbook to complete. To say the least, it's getting deep in the boardroom and I'll be missing a week of class for the wedding and honeymoon. Yay for me, right?

And of course, there's the running. Since all characters, even those living in the real world, must have a goal that is slightly unachievable. The price of not killing over in my half marathon? 20 - 25 miles a week...which means the activity has to be penned into the daily schedule somewhere. And yes, I say penned, because pencil can be erased. The upside to dragging myself around the track is that everyone said those bridal portraits are gorgeous! Hmm... after the wedding I may have to post a cover pic from my love story. For now, check out this tidbit from my photographer:

All of this has made me long for my writing time! Even while I'm jogging around the park I'm brainstorming...and thinking of all the meetings I've missed to wedding must-dos. Though a true HEA does only come once in a lifetime...maybe because after you go through it once you secretly run to the Justice of the Peace!

How about you? Do you know when to say when? Have you mastered the art of saying N-O without hurting people's feelings?

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