After an education and career in the legal field, Kerri began to pen romantic suspense novels with a legal or law enforcement theme. She is a true southern belle and comes complete with her dashing southern gentleman husband and two little belles-in-training. When she’s not reading or writing, you’ll find her baking homemade goodies for her family, feeding her addiction to blogging online or designing custom made book trailers. Kerri is an active member of Romance Writers of America as well as numerous Chapters including Southern Magic, Futuristic Fantasy & Paranormal, Hearts Through History, and Celtic Hearts Romance Writers.
Kerri is offering a free story to one lucky reader so read her article to find out how to enter the drawing.
What’s your Fave Paranormal Creature Feature?
When it comes to paranormal characters these days, it seems they are as many and as varied as the authors who create them. I, personally, find it difficult to choose a favorite. I guess it all depends on my mood at the moment and the story, of course!
My new book entitled Soul Searcher which is now available from Whispers Publishing features a shapeshifting mountain lion. He’s the son of a Native American medicine man and a white witch who may have cast one too many spells in her time. This was my first paranormal book but I’ve written several others since this one. I have a retired witch book, a ghost story, and even a set of Christmas short stories featuring a dragon fantasy and a time travel romance (which are set to release in December from Whispers). So, even within my own writing, the characters and creatures are multiple and plentiful.
When we look at the paranormal industry, you can hardly turn an isle in the book store without coming across a paranormal book. Whether you’re looking at mystery, romance, sci-fi, or even young adult, the paranormal are out in full force.
Although, lately I’m hearing some agents say that they are tired of vampires and psychics. I can’t help but to consider vampires and psychics two of my all time favorite creations. Because, let’s just face it...vampires are hot and there are times when we’d all like to be able to read minds or see the future.
So, today...share with me your favorite type of paranormal creature and tell me why they are your fave. I’ll draw a winner on Friday from all the comments to this post.
What can you win? A free book of your choice, featuring your favorite type of paranormal creature, of course! So, share your faves for a chance to win your fave!
Don’t forget to check out Soul Searcher and stay tuned for more paranormal fun from me coming soon!
Kerri Nelson
Links for Kerri Nelson sites and Soul Searcher:
Book Trailer for Soul Searcher:
Buy Link for Soul Searcher:

Blurb for Soul Searcher (now available from Whispers Publishing):
Faith Harper knew her night was bad when she agreed to have drinks with the Devil. She wasn’t all that surprised at her late night visitor because when you have the ability to look at a person and see their soul, strange things have a tendency of happening to you.
The very next day, she stumbles upon a mutilated corpse in the woods, things rapidly go from bad to worse. Soon, she’s being followed by a sexy forest ranger who has a soul unlike anything she’s ever seen before.
Chase Commanche Phillips has lived most of his life in the forest. He works as the county’s Chief Forest Ranger and is more comfortable interacting with animals than with people but when the beautiful Faith Harper comes running out of the woods and into his arms, he has no choice but to get involved.
After Chase discovers Faith’s special gift, he knows that he must protect her at any cost. With the Devil’s minions watching their every move, Faith must uncover what they're really after before it’s too late.
Sometimes in order to save your soul, you need more than just a little faith.
Excerpt from Soul Searcher:
Faith ran faster and further than she could ever remember running. She closed her mind off to all the thoughts that were nibbling at her brain. She expertly maneuvered her way through the thick brush of the forest. She didn’t know where she was running…she just knew she had to keep moving.
She dodged branches that hung low. She hurdled rocks and fallen limbs with a grace she didn’t know she possessed. She felt motivated to get the hell out of this area.
Suddenly, she thought she saw the glint of the sun reflecting off something shiny in the distance. She thought it might be a window. She headed towards the reflection and hoped that whatever she was seeing held a person with a weapon. She wouldn’t feel safe until she was armed.
Just then, she heard something rustle in the nearby fallen leaves. She turned her head to look, but kept up her quick sprint. She didn’t see anything around her but her loss of focus caused her to miss a ditch that was covered by overgrown vegetation.
Her shoe caught in the thick weeds and she lost her balance. For the second time today, she was falling. This time thick, strong hands grasped her shoulders and caught her with ease. She looked up at the face of her rescuer and a ruggedly handsome face stared down at her.
His dark eyes bore into her and her ragged breath caught in her throat. He had the exact same eyes as the lion.
-- Lynda Again
Wow, what a great excerpt! I hope everyone enjoyed Kerri's column and that you enter her drawing by leaving a comment describing your favorite paranormal creature and why they are your fav's. Don't forget to check back on Friday to see if you've won.
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