Multi-award winning author Susan Kearney knows what the publishing industry is all about (thanks in part to her Business Degree from the University of Michigan). She has sold books to Grand Central, Tor, Simon & Schuster, Harlequin, Berkley, Leisure, Red Sage and Kensington. Her publishing credits don't simply include paranormals, since she's published 50+ books that span through the contemporary, romantic suspense, historical, sci-fi and futuristic sub genres.
Susan is a New Jersey native, but now she's writing her 54th novel in a suburb of Tampa, Florida.

I think it's safe to say that Susan's star among the paranormal elite is firmly esconced, and I do look forward to her twist on Camelot. After all LUCAN has been deemed "exotic" in feel as the reader goes on "an excellent ride!" A Holy Grail mystery, extraterrestrials, and dragon shifters, oh my...that sounds like a splendid time! (I think I just might have found my honeymoon reading material as I lounge at Camelot By the Sea.)

Given the plethora of genres you've been published in, why does sci-fi/futuristic seem to be your go-to choice? As of late, what led to you revisit Camelot with your new Pendragon series?
I love sci-fi futuristics because the possibilities are infinite. I’m not limited to just Earth, it’s history, culture, biology and gravity. And I can write something new—yet still bring human hopes and dreams and problems with us to new worlds. In the end the story is always about the characters and how they react to their surroundings. I decided to revisit Camelot because I wanted readers to feel comfortable going into space, so I brought something familiar...a legend from Earth.
Out of all the book trailer videos you've had a part in, which is your favorite? Why?
I think I liked LUCAN the best. I didn’t have to make that one. I hired someone else to do it. I got to do the fun part, picking out the characters faces and tightening up the script. But for LUCAN I didn’t have to hire the actors, cast the actors, pick out the costumes and then help edit it for hours and hours!!!
If you had to pick one of your heroes to help you save Earth, who would it be?
I’d pick JORDAN, the hero in book three of the Pendragon Legacy. Who could be better than a man who’s lived over 1500 years? Who could be better than a warrior/scientist alpha hero? One who doesn’t know the meaning of the word—quit. A man who is loyal to his last breath. A man who won’t compromise—even if it means his life is at risk.
What is the one thing that makes your writing time/travel perfect?
When I travel I always have a book to read. As for writing—I like my La-Z-boy chair. I lean back, my feet are up and the keyboard is in my lap. Oh, yes, I still work in WP51—because it's so easy on the eyes.
With 53 books completed, what do you hope to accomplish in the future? What memory makes all the work worth every minute of toil and trouble?
I hope to enjoy every book I write—when I can’t do that anymore, then I’ll retire. Writing is a lot of work but I think the most rewarding thing is the friends I’ve made along the way. Friends who I can count on—no matter what. Smart, interesting women who enjoy life.
If you'd like to learn more about Susan, read excerpts, watch her book trailers or enter her LUCAN contest, check out her website--http://www.susankearney.com/.
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