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Kunci Gitar Lagu Mr. Big - To Be With You [Chord]

Kunci Gitar Lagu Mr. Big - To Be With You [Chord]
C#m__ E
Hold on little girl

Show me what he’s done to you

C#m___ E 
Stand up little girl

A_______________ E 
A broken heart can’t be that bad

_A_____________ E 
*When it’s through, it’s through

Fate will twist the both of you

So come on baby come on over

Let me be the one to show you.

reffnya* #1:

E________A_________ B____ E
I’m the one who wants to be with you

E________ A________B___E 
Deep inside I hope you feel it too

Waited on a line of greens and blues

E_______A_______ B_____E 
Just to be the next to be with you.

Build up your confidence

A__________ E 
So you can be on top for once

C#m___ E
Wake up who cares about

Little boys that talk too much

A_______ E 
I seen it all go down

A_____________ E 
Your game of love was all rained out

So come on baby, come on over

Let me be the one to hold you

Ulang Kembali ke Reffnya* [1x] 

A_________ C#m
Why be alone when we can be together baby

You can make my life worthwile 
G________________ E_____A B E. E A B E. E A B C#m A B
I can make you start to smile

Repeat * 

reffnya* #2: [Overtone]

G_______ C_________ D____ G
I’m the one who wants to be with you

G________C________D___ G
Deep inside I hope you feel it too

G______ C______D________Em
Waited on a line of greens and blues

G______ C________D____ G
Just to be the next to be with you

Ulang Kembali ke Reffnya* #1 [1x] [[Waited.....blues]]

E_______A_______ B_____E 
Just to be the next to be with you.

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