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Kunci Gitar Lagu Mr. Big - Wild World [Chord]

Kunci Gitar Lagu Mr. Big - Wild World [Chord]
Pembukaan [Intro]: Dm G C F Bb A Asus4-A

Now that I've lost everything to you

______ F________________ Bb
You say you want to start something new

And it's breaking my heart you're leaving

_______ Asus-A
Baby I'm grieving

Dm___________ G_______C 
And if you wanna leave take good care

Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear

Gm________________A________ C 
And a lot of nice things turn bad out there


F__ C________ Bb
Uuu baby, baby, it's a wild world

C_______ Bb__________ F______C
It's hard to get by just upon a smile

F__ C___Bb__
Uuu baby, it's a wild world

C______ Bb_________ F___________ Gm A
I'll always remember you like a child girl_____ .

Dm_____ G_____
You know I've seen a lot of

What the world can do

F___________________ Bb 
And it's breaking my heart in two

______ Gm_______________A
Cause I never want to see you sad girl

________ Asus4-A 
Don't be a bad girl

_Dm_____G____________ C 
*But if you wanna leave take good care

________F__________________ Bb
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there

Just remember there's

______A_______ C
A lot of bad and beware

Ulang Kembali ke Reffnya* [1x] 

Melodi: Dm G C F Bb Gm A Asus4-A

Repeat *

Ulang Kembali ke Reffnya* [2x]

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