Good luck and enjoy!
What draws you to romance?
Isabel: A couple things. One is that each book is pretty self-contained. I carry a couple of elements over into sequels, but generally speaking, I write a story and I’m done: there’s no need to come up with a ten-book Epic Quest. (I love The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Tower, and I think A Song of Ice and Fire is very well-written, but at this point in my life, I’d much rather finish a book and go on to the next thing.) I’m also crazy about the variety you can get with romance. You can have a million different character dynamics and complications, and romance blends really easily with other genres, so it’s a lot of fun to mess around with combinations.
Have you ever written outside the romance genre? If not, do you ever plan to?
Isabel: I actually got my start in fantasy and horror, and wrote almost entirely in those genres, albeit generally with strong romantic subplots, up until No Proper Lady, the first actual romance novel I wrote. I still do write straight fantasy on occasion, as one-off projects: I occasionally post snippets on my blog.
What’s your earliest childhood memory?
Isabel: That’s a hard one! I *think* it’s of being upset at a party when I was very young. I remember wearing patent leather shoes, and screaming a lot, and having my grandmother try to calm me down. Some variety of plaid taffeta party dress figures into it too. Anyhow, I was clearly troublesome from the start, and am amazed I survived to adulthood. :)
If you could pick anyone in the world to be the cover model(s) on your latest release, who would it be?
Isabel: Chris Hemsworth. He’d need darker hair and eyes, but we have the technology. That said, I’m really very fond of the cover: cannot go wrong with a shirtless guy, for the right variety of guy.
What’s your favorite hobby outside of writing?
Isabel: Roleplaying—tabletop and live-action—and video games, because I’m actually an enormous nerd. I also read a lot, of course, and I take the occasional ballroom dancing class. I used to take martial arts as well, but got all slackertastic about it a few years ago.
How do you spend a typical writing day?
Isabel: At my day job! Generally speaking, I’ll have an hour-or-so lull sometime in the afternoon, when I’m waiting for replies to all the email I sent in the morning. I try and write a thousand words or so then. If that doesn’t happen, I’ll go home and do my thousand words while I’m waiting for the rice cooker to beep. It’s all about flexibility for me.
Have you ever experienced a paranormal event in your life?
Isabel: Nothing that I could really put my finger on, or through. There have been a few very odd moments, and I’m not discounting any explanation for those, but I wouldn’t go on the Discovery Channel with any of them either.
He Guards a Ferocious Secret…
In Victorian England, gossip is often as precious as gold. But the Highlanders are a more mysterious bunch. And if anyone found out that Stephen MacAlasdair really was, he'd be hunted down, murdered, his clan wiped out. As he's called to London on business, he'll have to be extra vigilant—especially between sunset and the appearance of the first evening star.
Mina just wanted to find out more about the arrogant man who showed up in her employer's office. Some might say it was part of her job. She never thought the stranger would turn into a dragon right in front of her. Or that he'd then offer her an outrageous sum of money to serve as his personal secretary. Working together night and day to track a dangerous enemy, Mina comes to see a man in love is more powerful and determined than any dragon.
Isabel Cooper is the author paranormal historical romances No Proper Lady, a Publishers Weekly and a Library Journal book of the year in 2011, and Lessons After Dark. Both titles were also nominated in the RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice Awards. During the day, Isabel maintains her guise as a mild-mannered project manager working in legal publishing outside of Boston. For more, visit
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