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Guest - Kathryne Kennedy

Good morning! Did you do well at the Black Friday sales or did you barely survive? I don't do the Friday sales anymore but I can scorch the Internet with my speed and clickability on Cyber Monday :-) But enough of that, there's chocolate hazelnut coffee and raspberry scones on the table. We have a great interview with author Kathryne Kennedy today.

Oh and by the way, her lovely publicist, Danielle, is offering one copy of Kathryne's latest book, Everlasting Enchantment, to one reader (US and Canada only). Simply email me at with Enchantment in the Subject line and your Name and address in the body. My alien kitten, Wookie, will pick a winner on Friday. 



What’s the one question you wish people would ask you when you tell them you’re a writer? How would you answer it?
Kathryne: My favorite question is: “Where can I buy your books?” And my answer is, “At your favorite online and brick-and-mortar bookstore…or you can visit my website at” I know that the person is truly interested in my writing when they ask that question. :}

If you were doomed to spend the rest of your life on an island with only one book, one person, one food (coconuts and fish aside), and one object from the modern world (computer, deodorant, etc.), what would they be?
Kathryne: Hmm. Bible, My Husband, chocolate, and my computer, given that is has an internet connection…and a really good battery.

Do you have a favorite character out of all the ones you’ve written? If so, who is it and why is s/he your favorite?
Kathryne: My favorite characters are always the ones I just finish writing about, because I am still in their hearts and heads…until I start my next book. So it would have to be Gareth, the knight who’s been trapped in one of Merlin’s relics for centuries. He has that code of ethics and morals from the dark ages, and a bit of that romanticism. And then there’s my heroine, Millicent. Such a strong person, and yet vulnerable in so many ways.

Describe your writing process.
Kathryne: My writing space must be neat and tidy, nothing to distract me from my work. I have to fix the setting and characters in my imagination, and tell my readers what I see, what evolves from that point.

Do you use current events to help create plots? If yes, describe some you've used. If no, describe how you get/create plot ideas.
Kathryne: As far as items from the news, I haven’t used any that I can recall. I do lean heavily on old myths and legends, as evidenced from the Relics series, where I borrow the Merlin character. I have also been inspired by characters from The Lord of the Rings, a springboard for my Elven Lords series. Tolkien leaned heavily on the old myths of the Sidhe…so I guess art inspires art.

What draws you to write paranormal?
Kathryne: My love of mystery, of creating new worlds and letting them unfold to my reader bit by bit. The first book I remember reading was a collection of fairy tales, and I guess that first love never died.


Powerful Magic is Afoot
Millicent Pantere has lived her entire life in the notorious London Underground. She cares nothing for the problems of the crown or the intrigues of society. But the ladies of the realm are acting strangely, and Millicent is coerced into tracking down the rumors of a mysterious man—a magic man who comes in the night and disappears at dawn.

And So the Hunt Begins
Millicent's search leads her to one of Merlin's legendary relics and the seductive knight whose fate is bound up with it. Centuries ago, Sir Gareth Solimere made the mistake of seducing the wrong woman, and he has been trapped ever since by a diabolical curse. He's looking for the one who can break the enchantment—but in this world, there is no love without betrayal...

Kathryne Kennedy is a critically acclaimed, bestselling, award-winning author of magical romances. She’s lived in Guam, Okinawa, and several states in the U.S., and currently lives with her wonderful family in Glendale, Arizona. For more information and ongoing contests, please visit

To Purchase Everlasting Enchantment:

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Don't forget to send me an email if you'd like to enter the drawing for a copy of Everlasting Enchantment.

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