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Review - Prince of Shadows by Tes Hilaire

Prince of Shadows
Tes Hilaire
Sourcebooks, Casablanca
December 2013

Valin a Paladin warrior and Gabriella, a part-succubus part-vampire make an unusual couple. Valin whose gift of manipulating shadows causes him to not quite fit in with his fellow warriors of Light. Gabriella, given by her own succubus mother to the vampire who destroyed the goodness in her, seeks nothing more than vengeance against the dark forces that surround her.

Valin discovered Gabriella as he tried to rescue Karissa (book 1) but an explosion of Light causes him to lose her. However, he remains convinced that she survived - he just doesn't know where. Then he discovers her again. Only this time she's different. Older. Darker. And definitely his true mate. He resolves to get to her before one of his Paladin brothers catch and kill her because she's a vampire.

Gabriella, guides a group of gifted humans in warfare against the demons and vampires that prey on humans. She knows she's being hunted but she wants nothing to do with the sexy, dark Valin. She simply wants to kill her vampire maker for destroying her chance at a life in the Light. She refuses to take blood because she wants nothing to do with being a vampire…even if it means she'll die.

The characters were well-developed and worked well together. My heart ached for Gabriella and the hurt she felt at her mother's betrayal. Valin, while super hot and sexy, seemed more self-centered at first but he rapidly won me over as I grew to know him. I wanted both of these characters to have their happy ending but confess that I had no idea how Ms Hilaire would accomplish that.

Overall, it was enjoyable, exciting read with plenty of action, emotionally charged and hot scenes between Gabriella and Valin. I look forward to the next book  this series. This is definitely a recommended read.

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