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Review - Lord of the Hunt by Shona Husk

Lord of the Hunt
Shona Husk
Sourcebooks, Casablanca
January 2014

Annwyn, the realm of the fairies is beautiful beyond compare but there are signs that it is failing. Why not? The fairies, even the King, are sublimely treacherous, willing to do anything to get what they want. And at the heart is the discord between the King and Queen. Soon, the King will be replaced or killed and all the fairies living in the mortal world will die.

Exiled to the mortal world, Chalmer needs the King's pardon before he can return to Annwyn. His wife, Arlea, who had willingly followed him sends their daughter, Taryn, to the fairy realm with the advice to 1) get close to the King, 2) watch your back 3) be careful making deals and, most importantly, 4) trust no one. But one glance at Verden, the Lord of the Hunt, has her wanting to trust him…and other, more sensual things.

Verden, Lord of the Hunt, is loyal to the King. But he knows that the elder fairy is close to the end of his rule and worries how it will affect Annwyn. The minute he sees the young, naïve fairy, Taryn, he feels a connection he has never felt before. He knows the kind of cruelty she might be subject to if she offends the wrong people and he hates the idea of seeing her used then abandoned by the treacherous fairies of Annwyn. He has to help, any way he can, but with the power shifting and the magic failing, his first duty is to the King and the realm.  He has to walk on the razor's edge between failing in his duty or failing to protect the woman he loves.

Lord of the Hunt is a sensuous read filled with fascinating characters and dangerous power plays. The plot is fresh and fast paced as well as steamy and provoking. Taryn is a great heroine who's bravery in facing the bizarre situations of Annwyn is admirable. Verden is a true hero who's fight to preserve the realm and help Taryn in her quest will attract all the readers. The reader is instantly transported to a different world by Ms Husk's wonderful descriptions. The emotion and relationship between Taryn and Verden grows, sometimes rapidly, but always with the danger of exposure and failure of Taryn's quest to get a pardon for her father.

This book is definitely worth a second read or even three reads. If you like fairies and dangerous romance, then you'll love Lord of the Hunt.

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