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Nidji - Heaven

Am G F G

Am G F G
Don't beg don't cry to your children
Am G F G
Don't even cry to your papa..
Am G F G
Don't try to beg to your people..
Am G F G
Don't even cry to your mama..

F G Am G
Heaven is too far..
F G Am G
Awa..y tonight..
F G Am G
Heaven is too far..
F G Am
Away tonight

Am G F G
Am G F G

Am G
Don't laugh, don't scream
To your children
Am G
Don't even cry
To your sister
Am G
Don't talk, don't play
With the children
Am G
Cause you ain't gonna
Get my heart..

F G Am G
Heaven is too far..
F G Am G
Awa..y tonight..
F G Am G
Heaven is too far..
F G Am
Away tonight

Am G F G
Am G F G
Am G F G
Am G F G

F G Am G
Heaven is too far..
F G Am G
Awa..y tonight..
F G Am G
Heaven is too far..
F G Am
Away tonight

Am G F G
Am G F G Am

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